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Nitrous oxide. Should it still be used in pediatric medicine ? (Part 1)

Leo Booij;

Nitrous oxide (N2O) has been used in medicine for more than 165 years. By incidence was the analgesic effect recognized by Howard Wells. Originally was it thought to be a clean and anesthetic not causing a single adverse effect, and therefore was it considered the safest anesthetic. However, around 1956 was it recognized that some patients, after prolonged exposure developed, mostly transient, megaloblastic anemia and neurological disorders. Gradually became adverse effects more known. This resulted in discussions in the literature on the safety of N2O. Since the 1990’s are there indications that N2O administration in children during the period of brain development and in elderly persons has neurotoxic effects. This lead to the conclusion of many that N2O should no longer be used in medicine. However, other physicians have the opinion that there is no reason to stop the use of N2O.


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Keywords: pediatric anesthesia, children surgery, anesthesia associated complications in children, drugs adverse reactions

Stavropol State Medical Academy
Pyatigorsk State Research Institute of Balneotherapeutics
Pyatigorsk State Pharmaceutical Academy