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[CTD in adults]
Maria Rozhkova; Galina Nechaeva; Elena Ljaljukova; Yulia Tsikunova;
The aim was to clarify the etiological and pathogenetic factors of the chronic gastritis in patients with connective tissue dysplasia (CTD). Objects were 59 patients with CTD and 24 controls. All patients were examined using esophagogastroduodenoscopy, 24-hours pH monitoring, HELPIL-test, biochemical blood tests and transabdominal ultrasonography. Chronic gastritis appeared to be associated with postprandial distress syndrome in 43 (73 %) patients with CTD. Mucosal damage as pangastritis was revealed in 6 (10 %) patients and fundal gastritis – in 2 (4 %) cases. Low intragastric acidity due to the high frequency of duodenal reflux was found in 14 (24 %) patients with CTD. H. pylori infection as the main causes of chronic gastritis was prevalent in 18 (31 %) patients with CTD while duodenal reflux – in 14 (24 %) cases. Thus, patients with CTD advisable to carry out a screening endoscopy and H.pylori infection test and additional diagnostic procedures if necessary at a younger age.
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Keywords: connective tissue dysplasia, chronic gastritis