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[Orthopedics and traumatology]
Sergei Karpov; Kristina Gandylyan; Karen Karakov; Vladimir Zelenskiy; Michail Porfiriadis; Emilia Khachaturian; Dmitry Domenyuk; E. Chalaya;
37 patients with the upper face zone trauma and 45 patients with the midface trauma were examined. Given the results of the study, the authors believe that the diagnosis of traumatic brain injury (TBI) in the cases of maxillofacial area (upper and midface) trauma is valid not only for the neurosurgeon, but also for the maxillofacial surgeon, and to a lesser extent depends on the history (mechanism) of injury and the primary clinical neurological examination carried out by neurosurgeon/neurologist. The fact of the facial bones (upper and middle zone of the face) fractures should automatically be regarded as a combination of facial and cranial trauma. In the prevalence of oral and maxillofacial trauma symptoms special attention should be paid to the neurological manifestations of brain injury. This approach aims to reduce the likelihood of postcommotion syndrome. Therefore, therapeutic approach for craniofacial trauma (CHLT) must include surgical treatment of the facial bones fractures and treatment of neurological disorders followed by neurorehabilitation.
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3. Gerasimova M. M., Karpov S. М. Nevrologicheskii vestnik. – Neurological bulletin. 2004;36(1-2):12-15.
4. Gnezditskii V .V. Vizvannie potentsiali mozga v klinicheskoi praktike. Taganrog: ТRTU; 1997. 252 p.
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6. Karpov S. M., Baturin V. A., Khristoforando D. Yu., Sharipov E. M., Abidokova F. A. Klinicheskaya nevrologiya. – Clinical neurology. 2011;1:3.
7. Karpov S. M., Khristoforando D. Yu. Rossiiskii stomatologicheskii jurnal. – Russian dental journal. 2011;6:23-24.
8. Khristoforando D. Yu, Karpov S. M, Baturin V. A., Gandylyan K. S. Institut stomatologii. – Institute of dentistry. 2013;2(59):59-61.
9. Granström G. Oral. Diseases. 2007;13(3):261-269.
10. Karpov S. M., Gerasimova M. M. European Journal of Neurology. 2006;13:13-15.
11. Karpov S., Gandylyan K., Eliseeva E., Vishlova I., Dolgova I., Shevchenko P., Golovkova O., Ivensky V. European science review. 2015;3-4:25-28.
Keywords: maxillofacial trauma, traumatic brain injury, evoked potentials