Medical news
of the North Caucasus
Scientific journal
Mass media registration certificate dated December 7, 2006.
Series ПИ #ФС 77-26521.
Federal service for surveillance over non-violation of the legislation in the sphere of mass communications and protection of cultural heritage.
ISSN 2073-8137

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Theory and practice of application of qualitative sociological methods in medicine

[Medical aspects of adjacent subjects]
Natalia Sedova; Boris Navrotskiy; Mihail Volchanskiy; Marina Kovaleva; Tatyana Fomina;

The main research method in sociology of medicine is polls of the various social groups involved in the process of medical care. But more informative data can be obtained by applying qualitative methods of sociology: focus groups, case studies, narrative and biographical methods. Application of these methods allows to personalize the medical and sociological data and to obtain information that cannot be obtained through quantitative methods. The main interest is the identity of the patient for the sociologist of medicine, as well as for the doctor. But medicine sociologist is interested in the identity of a health professional also. Qualitative methods of sociology can satisfy this interest and can develop more detailed recommendations than in the application of quantitative methods. The article gives examples of obtaining of such results in the initiative (dissertation) researches. The authors marked difficulties in applying qualitative methods in sociology of medicine. There are recommendations for mandatory examination of programs and methods of initiative’s researches and of monitoring studies in the sociology of medicine.


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4. Medvedeva L. M., Veshneva S. A. Bioetika. – Bioethics. 2009;1 (3):22-24.
5. Navrotskiy B. A. Delaryu V. V. Bioetika. – Bioethics. 2014;1 (13):31-34.
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7. Sedova, N. N., Sergeeva N. V. Bioetika v prostranstve kulturyi. M.:«Triumf»; 2010. 336 p.
8. Sedova N. N. Problematika, metodologiya i prakticheskiy smyisl initsiativnyih issledovaniy v otechestvennoy sotsiologii meditsinyi. Sotsiologiya meditsinyi: nauka i praktik. M.; 2012. P. 7-11.

Keywords: sociology of medicine, focus group, case study, questionnaire, narrative method

Stavropol State Medical Academy
Pyatigorsk State Research Institute of Balneotherapeutics
Pyatigorsk State Pharmaceutical Academy