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ISSN 2073-8137

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Quantitative morphometry of endometrial ovarian cancer at risk of metastasis

Olga Vorobyova; Evgeniy Novichkov;

The aim of our study was to study morphology of the tumor given the patterns of progression of endometrial ovarian cancer. High risk of endometrial ovarian cancer metastasis associated with an increase of the tumor cell square (p=0,36) and it’s nucleus (p=0,38) and a simultaneous increase of nuclear-cell ratio (p=0,049). For endometrial ovarian cancer with metastases the cube-shaped cells are pathognomonic, and high amount of it in the field – more than 28,3±2,46 (p=0,043). Prediction of early implantation metastases in the peritoneum is baased on the larger size of the tumor cells (p=0,012) at high cataplasia. Further spread of implantation metastases is associated with a statistically significant decrease in the tumor cell square (p=0,034) and increased nuclear-cell ratio (p=0,049). The average life expectancy of patients with metastases is inversely proportional to the magnitude of the nuclear-cell ratio.


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Keywords: ovarian cancer, endometrial, prediction, carcinoma, morphology, morphometry

Stavropol State Medical Academy
Pyatigorsk State Research Institute of Balneotherapeutics
Pyatigorsk State Pharmaceutical Academy