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Sergey Sirak; Albert Akkalaev; Rashid Zekeryaev; Evgeny Shchetinin; Natalia Radzievskaya;
During the morphological study, the peculiarities of structure of adjoining, pushing back and penetrating dental cysts in the upper jaw were studied. The data obtained in the course of histological studies served as a basis for the development of a new method of treatment. Altogether, 49 patients were operated. The number of postoperative complications, such as bleeding, swelling, inflammation, post-operative pain, and partial reduction or complete loss of sensitivity of the teeth of the upper jaw was 4,08 %.
1. Agapov V. S., Smirenskaya T. V., Cоmnova Z. D. Stomatology. – Stomatology. 1987;66(2):11-13.
2. Bogatov A. I. Treatment, rehabilitation and prevention of patients with odontogenic sinusitis in outpatients: Avtoref. dis. ... dr. med. sciences. Samara; 2000. 52 р.
3. Grigoryants L. A. Sirak S. V., Zakaryaev R. S., Harutyunyan K. E. Stomatology. – Stomatology. 2007;86 (3):42-46.
4. Zakaryaev R. S., Sirak S. V. Sovremennye problemy nauki I obrazovaniya. – Modern problems of science and education. 2013;2:88.
5. Sirak S. V., Sletov A. A., Loktionova M. V., Loktionov V. V., Sokolova E. V. Parodontologiya. – Periodontics. 2008;3:14-18.
6. Sirak S. V., Fedorenko A. V., Sirak A. G., Mahurenko T. G. Pat. RUS 2326648. Russian Federation. МПК А 61 В 17/03 Treatment radicular cysts of jaws. Byul. 2008;8:9.
7. Sirak S. V., Sletov A. A., Loktionov V. V., Loktionov M. V., Sokolova E. V. Pat. RUS 2373873. Russian Federation. МПК А 61 В 17/03 Method of treatment of maxillary sinusitis. Byul. 2010;12:5.
8. Sirak S. V., Zakaryaev R. S., Sletov A. A., Loktionov V. V. Pat. RUS 2378997 Russian Federation. Method of endoscopic hamartoma. Byul. 2010;2:6.
9. Sirak S. V., Sletov A. A., Zakaryaev R. S. Pat. RUS 2441609. Russian Federation. МПК А 61 В 17/03 Method of endoscopic cystectomy maxillary sinus. Byul. 2011;4:4.
Keywords: maxillary sinus, dental cyst, endoscopic technique