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Acute stroke in a patients with COVID-19

Ekaterina Nikolaevna Kabaeva; Kristina Andreevna Tushova; Natalia Vasilyevna Nozdryukhina; Anton Valeryevich  Ershov;

COVID-19 has remained at the peak of urgent medical and social problems in all countries of the world for more than 2 years. Data on the development of new methods of treatment and prevention of infection is constantly updated, at the same time new strains of the virus appear with an increase in the number of possible complications, a more severe course of coronavirus infection, an increase in morbidity and death in young patients. It has been proven that patients with cardiovascular diseases are at increased risk of a severe course of the disease. COVID-19 is a trigger for acute cardiovascular events in patients in the setting of metabolic disorders and endocrinopathies. A high frequency of the development of multiple organ failure syndrome, often with a fatal outcome, was revealed. At the same time, stroke associated with the coronavirus infection, is one of the most severe forms of pathology. A combination of different mechanisms underlies the development of acute cerebrovascular disorders, among which disorders of the hemostasis system play a key role. This article presents an analysis of current literature data on the features of the development of acute stroke in patients with COVID-19 and also the main risk factors for severe course of both the infection itself and neurological disorders are given.


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Keywords: cerebral stroke, COVID-19, complications, multiple organ failure

Stavropol State Medical Academy
Pyatigorsk State Research Institute of Balneotherapeutics
Pyatigorsk State Pharmaceutical Academy