Medical news
of the North Caucasus
Scientific journal
Mass media registration certificate dated December 7, 2006.
Series ПИ #ФС 77-26521.
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ISSN 2073-8137

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The chief doctors of the Caucasian Mineral Waters and their contribution to the development of medical practice at the resort in the second half of the XIX century

[History of medicine]
Anna Vladimirovna Grigoriadis; Andrey Kartashev;

On the basis of a wide range of historical sources, the article builds a consistent picture of the leadership of the medical part of the Caucasian Mineral Waters by the chief doctors in the second half of the XIX century, their biographical data are given, and their activities are analyzed. There are ups and downs in their work. The greatest trace in the development of resorts was left by S. A. Smirnov, M. K. Milyutin worked for a long time and effectively in the position. A less significant trace in the development of resorts was left by their followers, who worked for 2–3 years under the leadership of government commissioners. By the end of the century, the position began to acquire an bureaucratic character.


1. Kartashev A. V., Anikeev A. A. Foreign doctors in the Caucasus in the first half of the 19th century. Meditsinskii vestnik Severnogo Kavkaza. – Medical News of North Caucasus. 2020;15(2):300-306. (In Russ.). https://doi.org/10.14300/mnnc.2020.15072
2. Kartashev A. V. Doctor in the Caucasus in the second half of the XIX century. Meditsinskii vestnik Severnogo Kavkaza. – Medical News of North Caucasus. 2020;15(2):300-306. (In Russ.). https://doi.org/10.14300/mnnc.2019.14103
3. Kavkazskiy kalendar’ na 1849 god. – Caucasian calendar for 1849. Tiflis, 1848. (In Russ.).
4. Khaletskiy A. O. Kavkazskiye Mineral’nyye vody v meditsinskom otnoshenii. Part I. Pyatigorsk i Zheleznovodsk. St. Petersburg, 1883. (In Russ.).
5. Kavkazskiy kalendar’ na 1856 god. – Caucasian calendar for 1856. Tiflis, 1856. (In Russ.).
6. Khachykov V. House by the old road. Pyatigorskaya pravda. – Pyatigorsk truth. 2010. October 7th. (In Russ.).
7. Kavkazskiye Mineral’nyye vody. Spravochnik. Ed. Dr. V. V. Vladimirsky. Moscow: Gosizdat, 1924. (In Russ.).
8. Torzhestvennoye zasedaniye Russkogo bal’neologicheskogo obshchestva v Pyatigorske, posvyashchennoye chestvovaniyu S. A. Smirnova. Pyatigorsk, 1896. (In Russ.).
9. Otchet po upravleniyu Kavkazskimi Mineral’nymi Vodami: s 1-go dekabrya 1870 po 1-ye oktyabrya 1871 goda. (In Russ.).
10. Otchet po upravleniyu Kavkazskimi Mineral’nymi Vodami: s 1-go oktyabrya 1871 po 1-ye oktyabrya 1872 goda. Tiflis, 1874. (In Russ.).
11. Zapiski Russkogo bal’neologicheskogo obshchestva v Pyatigorske. Yubileynyy vypusk. 1913. (In Russ.).
12. Otchet po upravleniyu Kavkazskimi Mineral’nymi Vodami: s 1-go oktyabrya 1872 po 1-ye oktyabrya 1873 goda. Tiflis, 1874. (In Russ.).
13. Putevoditel’ i spravochnaya kniga po Kavkazskim Mineral’nym Vodam. Comp. V. V. Svyatlovsky. Pyatigorsk, 1896. (In Russ.).
14. Iyerusalimskiy N. V. Kavkazskiye mineral’nyye vody. Otchet za sezon 1884 god. St. Petersburg, 1885. (In Russ.).
15. Terskiy kalendar’ na 1891 god. Address-calendar. Vladikavkaz, 1890. (In Russ.).
16. Terskiy kalendar’ na 1894 god. Book 1. Address-calendar. Vladikavkaz, 1893. (In Russ.).

Keywords: Caucasian Mineral Waters, chief physician, development of medical practice, the second half of the XIX century

Stavropol State Medical Academy
Pyatigorsk State Research Institute of Balneotherapeutics
Pyatigorsk State Pharmaceutical Academy