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ISSN 2073-8137

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Early laboratory markers of neonatal sepsis –are they really life-saving?

Alexandr Obedin; Vasilyev Andrey; Natalya Vyacheslavovna Zubenko;

We examined 161 children: 122 premature newborns of 28–34 weeks of gestational age with neonatal sepsis (NS) and 39 newborns of the same gestational age without symptoms of NS. A clinical and laboratory examination was carried out, hich included the determination of procalcitonin (PCT), C-reactive protein (CRP), presepsin (PSP); bacteriological blood cultures, a smear from the pharynx/endotracheal tube were performed. The etiological structure of NS was dominated by gram-positive flora (71.8 %), the proportion of gram-negative bacteria was 23.9 %, yeast-like fungi – 4.4 %. Microorganisms were sensitive to the most commonly used antibiotics in newborns: gram-positive flora – to sultasin, cefaperazone, gramnegative flora – to cefatoxim, cefaperazone, gentamicin. An increase in presepsin concentration was found to be more than 5.5 times in the first hours and days of NS progression, whereas traditional markers of inflammation increased only by the second day, which makes it possible to use presepsin as an early marker of NS in premature newborns.


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Keywords: premature newborns, neonatal sepsis, microbial landscape, presepsin, antibiotic therapy

Stavropol State Medical Academy
Pyatigorsk State Research Institute of Balneotherapeutics
Pyatigorsk State Pharmaceutical Academy