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Alexandrovich Muraev Alexandr; Vladimir Viktorovich Polevoy; Sergey Yurievich Ivanov; Alexander Dolgalev; Rustam Faridovich Mukhametshin; Svetlana Iosifovna Gazhva; Evgeny Mikhailovich Boyko; Victor Ivanovich Zelensky;
This article presents a modified approach to the method of intercortical osteotomy and splitting of the alveolar ridge for use when the classical approach does not solve the problem of atrophy. The standard protocol for osteotomy with alveolar ridge splitting is not universal for all clinical situations. We operated on 33 patients using five modifications for splitting the alveolar ridge: lingual, vestibular and lingual, mesial, rotation of the bone block by 180°, and lingual with displacement of the osteotomy line.
In all cases, the alveolar ridge width reached 7.1±0.7 mm, sufficient for installation of dental implants with a regular or wide platform (3.75–5.0 mm), and only 6.1 % of implants failed. Based on the biological principles of alveolar bone regeneration, the indications for the use of intercortical osteotomy and splitting of the alveolar ridge have been expanded for use in various clinical situations.
1. Tolstunov L., Hicke B. Horizontal augmentation through the ridge-split procedure: a predictable surgical modality in implant reconstruction. Journal of Oral Implantology. 2013;39(1):59-68.
2. Ananyan S. G., Zakaryan A. V., Gun’ko M. V., Gvetadze S. R. Intercortical osteotomy of alveolar bone in dental implantology. Stomatologiia. 2016;95(2):63-7.
3. Artifexova A. A., Ivanov, S. Y., Muraev A. A., Yancen I. E., Hasianov I. G. Clinical and morphological estimation of effi ciency of reconstructive bone and plastic operations on the alveolar part of the jaw. J. Russian bulletin of dental implantology. 2012;2(26):74-78.
4. Moukrioti J., Al-Nawas B., Kreisler M. Evaluation of the split bone technique for lateral ridge augmentation: A retrospective case-control study. International Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Implants. 2019;34(5):1152-1160.
5. Garcez-Filho J., Tolentino L., Sukekava F., Seabra M., Cesar-Neto J. B. [et al.] Long term outcomes from implants installed by using split crest technique in posterior maxillae: 10 years of follow up. Clin. Oral Implants Res. 2015;26(3):326-331.
6. Karan N. B., Akinci H. O. A novel approach for horizontal augmentation of posterior maxilla using ridge split technique. J. Craniofac. Surg. 2019;30(5):1584-1588.
7. Windisch P., Martin A., Shahbazi A., Molnar B. Reconstruction of horizontovertical alveolar defects. Presentation of a novel split-thickness flap design for guided bone regeneration: A case report with 5-year follow-up. Quintessence Int. 2017;48(7):535-547.
8. Zhusev A. I. Enhancement the alveolar crest (alveolar part) of the mandible by split technik. J. Parodontology. 2010;1(54):16-18.
9. Azevedo R. A., Matos F. S., Figueiredo L. M. G. Appositional bone graft tunneled. International journal of surgery case reports. 2017;33:143-147.
Keywords: dental implants, alveolar bone loss, sticky bone, ridge-split technique, alveolar ridge augmentation, piezoelectric bone surgery, bone tissue grafts