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Hyaluronidase in cosmetology: evidence-based medicine review

Vladimirova Elena; Stanislav Vyacheslavovich Murakov; Albertovna Sanchez Elena; Yulia Alexandrovna Markova; Gayane Ernstovna Bagramova;

The purpose of the present review was to analyze current data on hyaluronidase application in cosmetology from the standpoint of evidence-based medicine. Clinical evidence suggests a high efficacy of hyaluronidase for the treatment of asymmetry, hypercorrection, migration, filler visualization, Tyndall effect, vascular complications, impaired visual function and delayed reactions. The dilution and volume of the hyaluronidase to be injected varies depending on the specific indication, the volume of the intradermal implant and the manufacturer’s recommendations. The most significant contraindication for hyaluronidase preparations in cosmetology is the hypersensitivity, therefore, a drug sensitivity test should be performed before the first use.


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Keywords: hyaluronidase, cosmetology, hyaluronic acid, fillers, complications, treatment

Stavropol State Medical Academy
Pyatigorsk State Research Institute of Balneotherapeutics
Pyatigorsk State Pharmaceutical Academy