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Mass media registration certificate dated December 7, 2006.
Series ПИ #ФС 77-26521.
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ISSN 2073-8137

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Interpretation of accreditation results in the context of improving the quality of medical education

[Medical education]
Tatyana Semenova; Zhanna Sizova; Viktor Ivanovich Zvonnikov; Natalia Nikolaevna Naydenova; Tatiana Malahova; Tatiana Mikhailovna Litvinova;

The approaches to the interpretation of accreditation results are discussed in order to improve the quality of medical education. The interpretation is proposed to be based on the data of subjects obtained during the accreditation of health professionals and considered in the context of choosing key areas of work in medical universities to improve the quality of studied outcomes. The basis for the selection of these areas is proposed to put information on the labor functions of professional standards not mastered by graduates. To minimize the amount of information on the development of labor functions, the basis of this study was the results of testing conducted in March 2019 on a representative sample of 6-year students from 6 medical universities in Russia.


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Keywords: аccreditation, sampling, histogram, quality of medical education, labor functions

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