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ISSN 2073-8137

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Regional features of the internal vertebral venous plexus

Ivan Vasilyevich Gaivoronsky; Anatoly Antonovich Rodionov; Genadiy Gennadevich Bulyshchenko; Gennady Ivanovich Nichiporuk; Maria Georgievna Gaivoronskaya; Alexey Ivanovich Gaivoronsky;

The venous bed of the epidural space was studied in 32 preparations of the vertebral column of adults of the II period of adulthood using injection and corrosion techniques, stereoepiduroscopy and Pirogov sections. The topographic anatomy of the internal vertebral venous plexus and the features of its structure in different parts of the spinal canal are presented. The main, mixed, and reticular forms of the studied plexus are distinguished. Data on changes in the cross-sectional area of the internal vertebral venous plexus in the cranio-caudal direction are presented. The structural and functional characteristics of the venous plexus, its relationship with connective tissue structures of the epidural space and their practical significance are considered. To prevent possible complications of various medical procedures, data on avascular zones of the epidural space are presented. Based on the anatomical features of the topography of the arcuate anastomoses of the posterior longitudinal veins of the internal vertebral plexus, zones have been identified in different departments in which manipulations can be carried out with a greater degree of caution: the dangerous zone is level CI–VII, ThI–XII; relative safety zone – level LI–V; safe – zone SI–IV.


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Keywords: variant anatomy, internal vertebral venous plexus, corrosive preparation, spinal canal, spinal column, epidural space

Stavropol State Medical Academy
Pyatigorsk State Research Institute of Balneotherapeutics
Pyatigorsk State Pharmaceutical Academy