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Results of clinical and instrumental analysis of gait in children with spastic forms of cerebral palsy

[Orthopedics and traumatology]
Tamara Igorevna Dolganova; Georgy Murabovich Chibirov; Dmitry Vladimirovich Dolganov; Dmitry Arnoldovich Popkov;

Clinical Gait Analysis (CGA) has a significant impact on orthopedic decision making, identifying clinically significant differences in quality thresholds. A comparative analysis of the frequency of tests comparing clinical diagnostic data and CGA of 36 children with bilateral spastic forms of cerebral palsy had significant variability. The level of agreement between clinical findings and actual CGA quantitative data was, on average, 66.7 %. The lowest error rate in assessing the limitation of the amplitude of movement of the ankle joint is 83 % positive, the highest error rate was in estimating pelvic inclination, a positive result was verified in only 22 % of observations. A final diagnosis based on CGA data as well as an interdisciplinary approach are necessary to adopt an optimal treatment plan for patients with cerebral palsy.


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Keywords: cerebral palsy, clinical gait analysis

Stavropol State Medical Academy
Pyatigorsk State Research Institute of Balneotherapeutics
Pyatigorsk State Pharmaceutical Academy