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The phenomenon of somatic dysfunction and the mechanisms of osteopathic treatment

Yulia Potekhina; Elena Tregubova; Dmitry Mokhov;

Osteopathy is a relatively new medical specialty for Russia, which does not use pharmaceuticals, but uses only manual techniques and approaches. The scientific justification of the results of osteopathic diagnostics and the proof of the effectiveness of osteopathic treatment cause a large number of questions among doctors and patients. A specific feature of osteopathic diagnostics is the identification of the phenomenon of somatic dysfunction. Somatic dysfunction is a functional disorder, which manifests itself by changes in the biomechanical characteristics of tissues, impaired blood and lymph circulation, impaired production and transmission of endogenous rhythms, and impaired nervous regulation. Numerous clinical and experimental studies have shown that osteopathic treatment normalizes the muscle tone, and improves joint and spinal mobility. It has an analgesic effect because it influences the peripheral and central parts of the nociceptive system and activates the antinociceptive system. osteopathic treatment activates the lymph flow and mobilizes leukocytes, which is very important in the treatment of edema of diverse origin and infectious diseases. Osteopathic treatment is safe, it reduces drug load, goes well with other methods of treatment and expands the arsenal of clinical medicine. All these facts allowed osteopathic treatment to take a worthy place in the system of medical care for the population.


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Keywords: osteopathic diagnostics, osteopathic treatment, somatic dysfunction, biomechanical characteristics of tissues, pain, joint mobility, cytokines, lymph flow

Stavropol State Medical Academy
Pyatigorsk State Research Institute of Balneotherapeutics
Pyatigorsk State Pharmaceutical Academy