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ПИ №ФС77-26521 от 7 декабря 2006 года
ISSN 2073-8137

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355017, Ставрополь, улица Мира, 310.

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Возможности низкоинтенсивного лазерного облучения крови и аспекты доказательности его эффективности в лечении контузионных очагов и внутричерепных гематом малого объёма

Чехонацкий Андрей Анатольевич; Комлева Наталья Евгеньевна; Чехонацкий Владимир Андреевич; Лымарев Максим Валерьевич; Веретельникова Юлия Яковлевна;

Проведенные исследования и анализ литературы показали, что в очагах контузии и внутричерепных гематом малого объема при использовании курса низкоинтенсивного лазерного излучения отмечается ряд положительных терапевтических эффектов, обусловленных микроциркуляторными, метаболическими и нейро-рефлекторными механизмами. Эти механизмы тесно взаимосвязаны и во многом дополняют друг друга. Улучшение микроциркуляции достигается путем увеличения объемной скорости артериального и венозного кровотока, нормализацией сосудистого тонуса, усилением функционирования естественных и формированием новых анастомозов и коллатералей, а также снижением свертывающей активности крови и улучшением ее реологических свойств. Механизм улучшения метаболического обмена связан со способностью низкоинтенсивного лазерного излучения активизировать биосинтетические и окислительно-восстановительные процессы в клетках головного мозга. В обзоре литературы раскрываются разносторонние свойства низкоинтенсивного лазерного излучения в очагах контузии и внутричерепных гематом малого объема.


Список литературы:
1. Dralyuk M. G., Dralyuk N. S., Isaeva N. V. Traumatic brain injury. Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 2006.
2. Kondakov E. N., Krivetsky V. V. Traumatic brain injury: A guide for doctors of non-specialized hospitals. M.: Medicine, 2002.
3. Latysheva V. Ya., Olizarovich M. V., Sachkovsky V. L. Traumatic brain injury: classification, clinical presentation, diagnosis and treatment. Training manual. Minsk: Higher School, 2005.
4. Konovalov A. N., Likhterman L. B., Potapov A. A. Clinical guide to traumatic brain injury. M.: Antidor, 1998.
5. Lebedev V. V., Krylov V. V. Emergency Neurosurgery: Guide for Physicians. Moscow: Medicine, 2000.
6. Valadka A. B., Moore E. J., Feliciano D. V., Mattox K. L. Injury to the cranium. New York: McGraw-Hill, Medical Pub.Division, 2004. https://doi.org/10.15406/jnsk.2014.01.00005
7. Parikh S., Koch M., Narayan R. K. Traumatic brain injury. Int. Anesthesiol. Clin. 2007; 45(3): 119-135. https://doi.org/10.1097/AIA.0b013e318078cfe7
8. Kurban-zade R. K. Long-term results of surgical and conservative treatment of traumatic intracranial hematomas. St. Petersburg, 2009.
9. Gusev E. I., Skvorcova V. I., Guravleva E. Ya. Mechanisms of brain tissue damage on the background of acute focal ischemia. Journal of neurology and psychiatry. 1999:5;55-61.
10. Chekhonatsky A. A., Uliynov V. Yu., Vigogchikova G. Yu. Comparative analysis of the content of neuregulin 1-Veta 1 and anti-inflammatory cytokines in the serum of patients with focal brain injuries. Collection of proceedings Research
Institute of traumatology and orthopedics. Saratov. 2017;221-223.
11. Nikiforova S. V., Voevodin S. V., Shukevich D. L. Intracranial pressure and a2-macroglobulin content in the blood flowing from the brain in severe traumatic brain injury. Actual issues of intensive care, anesthesia and resuscitation. Irkutsk, 2002.
12. Chekhonatsky A. A., Uliynov V. Yu., Vigogchikova G. Yu. Immunocytochemical diagnosis of nervous tissue in patients with traumatic focal brain injuries. Modern problems of science and education. 2015:5;317-318.
13. Nikiforova N. V., Voevodin S. V., Romanov T. V. Content of a2-MG in venous and arterial blood in severe traumatic brain injury. VIII All-Russian Congress of Anaesthesiologists and Resuscitators. Omsk, 2002.
14. Yamazaki Y., Yada K., Morii S., Kitahara T., Ohwada T. Diagnostic significance of serum neuron-specific enolase and myelin basic protein assay in patients with acute head injury. Surg. Neurol. 1995;43:267-270. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-4-431-68231-8
15. Potapov A. A., Likhterman L. B., Gavrilov A. G. Recommendations for traumatic brain injury from the standpoint of evidence-based medicine. In the book: Evidence-based neurotraumatology. M., 2003.
16. Chekhonatsky A. A., Komleva N. E., Danilov A. N. Low-intensity laser irradiation of blood in the treatment of contusion foci and intracranial hematomas of small volume. Bulletin of the medical Institute «Reaviz». 2019:2(38);99-104.
17. Chen T. Y., Wong C. W., Chang C. N. The expectant treatment of «asymptomatic» supratentorial epidural hematomas. Neurosurgery. 1993;2(32):176-179. https://doi.org/10.1227/00006123-199302000-00004
18. Kotelnikov G. P., Mironov S. P. Traumatology: national leadership. M.: GEOTAR-Media, 2008.
19. Chekhonatsky A. A., Uliynov V. Yu., Vigogchikova G. Yu. Results of application of external low intensity laser radiation and intranasal electrophoresis of drugs for pharmacological protection in the treatment of patients with contusion
foci and intracranial hematomas of small volume. Fundamental study. 2015:1;474-477.
20. Yahno N., Shtulman D. R. Diseases of the Nervous System. M.: Medicine, 2001.
21. Rassokhin V. F. Laser therapy in neurology. Kiev, 2001.
22. Moskvin S. V., Achilov A. A. Basics of laser therapy. Tver: Triada Publishing House LLC, 2008.
23. Moskvin S. V., Builin V. A. Low-intensity laser therapy. M.: Technika Firm LLP, 2000.
24. Moskvin S. V. The effectiveness of laser therapy. M.: Triada, 2014.
25. Gamaleya N. F. Mechanisms of biological action of laser radiation. lasers in clinical medicine. М.: Medicine, 1996.
26. Khelimsky A. M., Germanovich V. V. Intervenos Laser-Radiation of blood in patient with severe brain trauma (experimental and clinical study. Cardivasc. Intervent. Radiol. 1996;1(19);115.
27. Zozuliy Yu. A. Low-energy laser irradiation of blood in the complex treatment of neurosurgical patients. Effect of lowenergy laser radiation on blood. К., 1989;92-94.
28. Korkushko A. O. Physical bases of interaction of laser radiation with biological objects. Medical business. 2001:4;134-137.
29. Samosiyk I. Z., Taranov V. V., Riazanov A. P. Laser therapy and equipment for its implementation. Bulletin of physiotherapy and balneology. 1998:2;51-54.
30. Moskvin S. V., Builin V. A. Basics of laser therapy. Tver: Triada Publishing House LLC, 2006.
31. Moskvin S. V., Builin V. A. Basics of laser therapy. Tver: Triada Publishing House LLC, 2006.
32. Geynits A. V., Moskvin S. V., Achilov A. A. Intravenous laser blood irradiation. Tver: Triada Publishing House LLC, 2008.
33. Moskvin S. V. Evidence-based medicine is the foundation of modern healthcare. Materials of the IV International. Khabarovsk: Ed. Center IPPSZ. 2005:181-182.
34. Chekhonatsky A. A., Kolesov V. N., Lukina E. V. The use of low-intensity laser radiation in the treatment of patients with the consequences of closed craniocerebral trauma. Saratov journal of medical research. 2016:2(12);256-259.
35. Craig D. W., Geraldine F. C., Ashley K. P., Martin K. C. Outcome following severe traumatic brain injury TBI correlates with serum S100B but not brain extracellular fluid S100B: An intracerebral microdialysis study. Scientific Research. 2013;2(3):93-99. https://doi.org/10.4236/wjns.2013.32013
36. Alatas Ö. D., Gürger M., Ateşçelik M., Yildiz M., Demir C. F. [et al.] Neuron-Specific Enolase, S100 Calcium-Binding Protein B, and Heat Shock Protein 70 Levels in Patients With Intracranial Hemorrhage. Medicine. 2015;45(94):2007
-2015. https://doi.org/10.1097/MD.0000000000002007
37. Muller K., Townend W., Biasca N. S100B serum level predicts computed tomography findings after minor head injury. J. Trauma. 2007;62(6):14521456. https://doi.org/10.1097/TA.0b013e318047bfaa
38. Rothermundt M., Peters M., Prehn J. S100B in brain damage and neurodegeneration. V. Arolt. Microscop. Res. Tech. 2003;60(6):614-632. http://doi:10.1002/jemt.10303
39. Evstigneev A. R., Uralsky V. N., Kartelischev A. V. Modern possibilities of laser medicine and biology: Materials of the XV scientific-practical conference. Kaluga: Publishing House of the Polytheft of Polytopes. 2006;12-15. 1. Dralyuk M. G., Dralyuk N. S., Isaeva N. V. Traumatic brain injury. Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 2006.
2. Kondakov E. N., Krivetsky V. V. Traumatic brain injury: A guide for doctors of non-specialized hospitals. M.: Medicine, 2002.
3. Latysheva V. Ya., Olizarovich M. V., Sachkovsky V. L. Traumatic brain injury: classification, clinical presentation, diagnosis and treatment. Training manual. Minsk: Higher School, 2005.
4. Konovalov A. N., Likhterman L. B., Potapov A. A. Clinical guide to traumatic brain injury. M.: Antidor, 1998.
5. Lebedev V. V., Krylov V. V. Emergency Neurosurgery: Guide for Physicians. Moscow: Medicine, 2000.
6. Valadka A. B., Moore E. J., Feliciano D. V., Mattox K. L. Injury to the cranium. New York: McGraw-Hill, Medical Pub. Division, 2004. https://doi.org/10.15406/jnsk.2014.01.00005
7. Parikh S., Koch M., Narayan R. K. Traumatic brain injury. Int. Anesthesiol. Clin. 2007; 45(3): 119-135. https://doi.org/10.1097/AIA.0b013e318078cfe7
8. Kurban-zade R. K. Long-term results of surgical and conservative treatment of traumatic intracranial hematomas. St. Petersburg, 2009.
9. Gusev E. I., Skvorcova V. I., Guravleva E. Ya. Mechanisms of brain tissue damage on the background of acute focal ischemia. Journal of neurology and psychiatry. 1999:5;55-61.
10. Chekhonatsky A. A., Uliynov V. Yu., Vigogchikova G. Yu. Comparative analysis of the content of neuregulin 1-Veta 1 and anti-inflammatory cytokines in the serum of patients with focal brain injuries. Collection of proceedings Research
Institute of traumatology and orthopedics. Saratov. 2017;221-223.
11. Nikiforova S. V., Voevodin S. V., Shukevich D. L. Intracranial pressure and a2-macroglobulin content in the blood flowing from the brain in severe traumatic brain injury. Actual issues of intensive care, anesthesia and resuscitation. Irkutsk, 2002.
12. Chekhonatsky A. A., Uliynov V. Yu., Vigogchikova G. Yu. Immunocytochemical diagnosis of nervous tissue in patients with traumatic focal brain injuries. Modern problems of science and education. 2015:5;317-318.
13. Nikiforova N. V., Voevodin S. V., Romanov T. V. Content of a2-MG in venous and arterial blood in severe traumatic brain injury. VIII All-Russian Congress of Anaesthesiologists and Resuscitators. Omsk, 2002.
14. Yamazaki Y., Yada K., Morii S., Kitahara T., Ohwada T. Diagnostic significance of serum neuron-specific enolase and myelin basic protein assay in patients with acute head injury. Surg. Neurol. 1995;43:267-270. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-4-431-68231-8
15. Potapov A. A., Likhterman L. B., Gavrilov A. G. Recommendations for traumatic brain injury from the standpoint of evidence-based medicine. In the book: Evidence-based neurotraumatology. M., 2003.
16. Chekhonatsky A. A., Komleva N. E., Danilov A. N. Low-intensity laser irradiation of blood in the treatment of contusion foci and intracranial hematomas of small volume. Bulletin of the medical Institute «Reaviz». 2019:2(38);99-104.
17. Chen T. Y., Wong C. W., Chang C. N. The expectant treatment of «asymptomatic» supratentorial epidural hematomas. Neurosurgery. 1993;2(32):176-179. https://doi.org/10.1227/00006123-199302000-00004
18. Kotelnikov G. P., Mironov S. P. Traumatology: national leadership. M.: GEOTAR-Media, 2008.
19. Chekhonatsky A. A., Uliynov V. Yu., Vigogchikova G. Yu. Results of application of external low intensity laser radiation and intranasal electrophoresis of drugs for pharmacological protection in the treatment of patients with contusion
foci and intracranial hematomas of small volume. Fundamental study. 2015:1;474-477.
20. Yahno N., Shtulman D. R. Diseases of the Nervous System. M.: Medicine, 2001.
21. Rassokhin V. F. Laser therapy in neurology. Kiev, 2001.
22. Moskvin S. V., Achilov A. A. Basics of laser therapy. Tver: Triada Publishing House LLC, 2008.
23. Moskvin S. V., Builin V. A. Low-intensity laser therapy. M.: Technika Firm LLP, 2000.
24. Moskvin S. V. The effectiveness of laser therapy. M.: Triada, 2014.
25. Gamaleya N. F. Mechanisms of biological action of laser radiation. lasers in clinical medicine. М.: Medicine, 1996.
26. Khelimsky A. M., Germanovich V. V. Intervenos Laser-Radiation of blood in patient with severe brain trauma (experimental and clinical study. Cardivasc. Intervent. Radiol. 1996;1(19);115.
27. Zozuliy Yu. A. Low-energy laser irradiation of blood in the complex treatment of neurosurgical patients. Effect of lowenergy laser radiation on blood. К., 1989;92-94.
28. Korkushko A. O. Physical bases of interaction of laser radiation with biological objects. Medical business. 2001:4;134-137.
29. Samosiyk I. Z., Taranov V. V., Riazanov A. P. Laser therapy and equipment for its implementation. Bulletin of physiotherapy and balneology. 1998:2;51-54.
30. Moskvin S. V., Builin V. A. Basics of laser therapy. Tver: Triada Publishing House LLC, 2006.
31. Moskvin S. V., Builin V. A. Basics of laser therapy. Tver: Triada Publishing House LLC, 2006.
32. Geynits A. V., Moskvin S. V., Achilov A. A. Intravenous laser blood irradiation. Tver: Triada Publishing House LLC, 2008.
33. Moskvin S. V. Evidence-based medicine is the foundation of modern healthcare. Materials of the IV International. Khabarovsk: Ed. Center IPPSZ. 2005:181-182.
34. Chekhonatsky A. A., Kolesov V. N., Lukina E. V. The use of low-intensity laser radiation in the treatment of patients with the consequences of closed craniocerebral trauma. Saratov journal of medical research. 2016:2(12);256-259.
35. Craig D. W., Geraldine F. C., Ashley K. P., Martin K. C. Outcome following severe traumatic brain injury TBI correlates with serum S100B but not brain extracellular fluid S100B: An intracerebral microdialysis study. Scientific Research. 2013;2(3):93-99. https://doi.org/10.4236/wjns.2013.32013
36. Alatas Ö. D., Gürger M., Ateşçelik M., Yildiz M., Demir C. F. [et al.] Neuron-Specific Enolase, S100 Calcium-Binding Protein B, and Heat Shock Protein 70 Levels in Patients With Intracranial Hemorrhage. Medicine. 2015;45(94):2007-2015. https://doi.org/10.1097/MD.0000000000002007
37. Muller K., Townend W., Biasca N. S100B serum level predicts computed tomography findings after minor head injury. J. Trauma. 2007;62(6):14521456.
38. Rothermundt M., Peters M., Prehn J. S100B in brain damage and neurodegeneration. V. Arolt. Microscop. Res. Tech. 2003;60(6):614-632. http://doi:10.1002/jemt.10303
39. Evstigneev A. R., Uralsky V. N., Kartelischev A. V. Modern possibilities of laser medicine and biology: Materials of the XV scientific-practical conference. Kaluga: Publishing House of the Polytheft of Polytopes. 2006;12-15.

Ключевые слова: облучение, кровь, нейроспецифические белки, черепно-мозговая травма

Ставропольская государственная медицинская академия
Государственный научно-исследовательский институт курортологии
Пятигорская государственная фармацевтическая академия