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Mass media registration certificate dated December 7, 2006.
Series ПИ #ФС 77-26521.
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ISSN 2073-8137

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Features of clinical manifestations and metabolism of connective tissue structures in teenagers with osteoarthrosis at the background o f hypermobile syndrome

Elena Matvienko; Anna Letiago; Irina Grigoryevna Khmelevskaya; Nina Dmitrievna Krivdina; Natalya Sergeevna Razinkova; Alexandra Vladimirovna Serezhkina;

The aim of the work was to clarify clinical manifestations, to determine changes in the metabolism of connective tissue structures in adolescents with osteoarthritis on the background of hypermobil syndrome. 139 adolescents with osteoarthritis aged 12–18 years were examined. The main group consisted of 93 patients with osteoarthritis, which was formed on the background of hypermobil syndrome. The comparison group consisted of patients with OA without the presence of HMS. It was found that osteoarthritis in adolescents is secondary and develops against the background of hypermobil syndrome as a manifestation of systemic connective tissue dysplasia. It was determined that in adolescents with the activation of acid and alkaline phosphatases there are significant changes in the metabolism of proteoglycans and collagen, which is confirmed by the redistribution of glycosaminoglycan fractions in serum, increased excretion of uric acids and hydroxyproline.


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Keywords: osteoarthrosis, adolescents, hypermobile syndrome, proteoglycans, chondroitinsulfate, hydroxyproline

Stavropol State Medical Academy
Pyatigorsk State Research Institute of Balneotherapeutics
Pyatigorsk State Pharmaceutical Academy