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Surgical treatmen t of patients with perforated chronic maxillary sinusitis using different forms of collagen -based xenogenic material

Ekaterina Yuryevna Dyachkova; Svetlana Viktorovna Tarasenko; Sergey Sergeevich Dydykin;

In the clinics of Sechenov First MSMU and a private dental clinic for 7 years from 2010 to 2017 during surgical treatment in 20 patients with chronic perforated sinusitis xenogenic osteoplastic material based on type 1 collagen in several forms (depending on the clinical situation) was used. During the entire observation period (1 year), there was no recurrence of sinusitis. On the control orthopantomograms and CT scan six months after the operation, signs of bone formation in the implantation zone of the Kollost material are visible. Thus, in the surgical treatment of patients with chronic perforated sinusitis, sinusotomy with the removal of the anoanthral fistula using local tissues and collagen membranes, fillings, tourniquets and balls of the Kollost material is the method of choice.


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3. Visscher S. H., Van Minnen B., Bos R. M. Closure of oroantral communications: a review of the literature. J. Oral Maxill. Surg. 2010;68:1384-1391.
4. Andrić М. Endoscopic Surgery of Maxillary Sinuses in Oral Surgery and Implantology, Advances in Endoscopic Surgery, Prof. Cornel Iancu (Ed.), InTech, 2011.Available at 12.07.2018: https://www.intechopen.com/books/advances-in-endoscopic-surgery/endoscopic-surgery-of-maxillary-sinuses-in-oral-surgery-and-implantology.Accepted 28.08.2017. https://doi.org/10.5772/22758
5. Magomedov M. M., Khelminskaya N. M., Goncharova A. V., Starostina A. E. The modern strategy for the treatment of the patients presenting with odontogenic maxillary sinusitis and the oroantral fistula.Vestnik otorinolaringologii. – Bulletin of otorhinolaryngology.2015;80(2):75-80. (In Russ.)https://doi.org/10.17116/otorino201580275-80

Keywords: perforated maxillary sinusitis, osteoplastic xenogenic material, oroantral fistula, tooth extraction, membrane

Stavropol State Medical Academy
Pyatigorsk State Research Institute of Balneotherapeutics
Pyatigorsk State Pharmaceutical Academy