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Polymorphism of manifestations of the cervical-shoulder syndrome in patients with results of injuries of the shoulder joint and shoulder girdle. Сlinical and statistical substantiation

Evgeny Borisovich Kalinsky; Leonid Yuryevich Slinyakov; Anatoly Vasilievich Chernyaev; Julia Romanovna Goncharuk; Alexey Vladimirovich Lychagin;

The purpose of the study: to establish and statistically substantiate the relationship of shoulder and shoulder girdle injuries to the development of cervicobrachial pain syndrome. The prevalence of cervicobrachial syndrome in patients who suffered injuries to the shoulder girdle was assessed (66.9 % in the group of 1402 patients). A protocol for clinical examination has been developed, and the sensitivity and specificity of the applied clinical tests have been determined. According to the results of the questionnaire (VAS, ODI, SF-36, UCLA, SPADI, DASH scales), a tendency was identified to increase pain, a progressive decrease in the function of the upper limb and, as a result, a decrease in the quality of life in patients who suffered an injury to the shoulder girdle. Based on the data obtained, types of cervicobrachial syndrome (articular, vertebrogenic, mixed) are identified that correlate with the anatomical localization of injuries.


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Keywords: cervicobrachial syndrome, shoulder joint, cervical spine, sagittal balance

Stavropol State Medical Academy
Pyatigorsk State Research Institute of Balneotherapeutics
Pyatigorsk State Pharmaceutical Academy