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Mass media registration certificate dated December 7, 2006.
Series ПИ #ФС 77-26521.
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ISSN 2073-8137

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Trans-scrotal orchiectomy in localized yolk sac testicular tumors in child. how is it safe?

[Notes from practice]
Sef Din Sultan Omar Abdulwahed Mazen Sallom Firas Diab;

Testicular tumors in children are rare, founding only 1 % of all pediatric solid tumors. We report a case of 14 months old child, who was referred to us for recent scrotal painless tumefaction. The clinical examination with the US confirmed the testicular involvement of this tumor. An abnormally elevated blood level of the α-fetoprotein was decisional for the embryonic origin of this tumor. A trans-scrotal approach realized a radical orchiectomy in the bloc with a high ligation-section of the spermatic cord. The histopathology examination of this tumor has shown a yolk sac tumor. The α-fetoprotein was normalized within the first month after surgery. Regular follow up for about three years did not show any clinical or radiological signs of recurrence. This case indicated the importance of early discovery and surgery as rapid as possible. We think that in ocalized yolk sac tumors of testis (stage I) and trans-scrotal approach of radical orchiectomy alone is sufficient.


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5. Dexeus F. H., Ogden S., Cangir A., Ro J., Logothetis C. J. Clinical Features and Management of Testicular and Extragonadal Yolk Sac Tumors. In: Nogales F. F. (eds) The Human Yolk Sac and Yolk Sac Tumors. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 1993. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-77852-0_18
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Keywords: yolk sac tumors, pediatric testicular malignancy, chemotherapy, trans-scrotal orchiectomy, infant

Stavropol State Medical Academy
Pyatigorsk State Research Institute of Balneotherapeutics
Pyatigorsk State Pharmaceutical Academy