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Features of the legal and regulatory framework of rendering oncological assistance to children in Russia and abroad

Andrey Reshetnikov; Margarita Gevandova; Nadejda Prisyazhnaya;

The review is devoted to a comparative analysis of the regulatory framework for oncological care for children in the Russian Federation and abroad. Despite the fact that over the past decade, many problems of providing cancer care to children in Russia have received legal regulations, additional regulation is required to maintain specialized cancer registries, to improve the organization of treatment and rehabilitation and restorative assistance for children who have had cancer. The necessary conditions determining success in overcoming the growth of infant mortality rates from malignant neoplasms are the development of an effective national strategy to combat cancer in children, solving staffing issues in pediatric oncology, an increase in the number of rehabilitation centers for children with cancer, and an increase in parents’ motivation for their children to undergo preventive check-ups.


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Keywords: children’s oncology, legal regulation, national standards for the treatment of cancer in children

Stavropol State Medical Academy
Pyatigorsk State Research Institute of Balneotherapeutics
Pyatigorsk State Pharmaceutical Academy