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[Internal diseases]
Elena Nadia; Valeriy Sovalkin; Galina Nechaeva; Ekaterina Loginova; Victor Goltyapin;
To assess the effect of allergen-specific immunotherapy (ASIT) on the parameters of specific allergic diagnostics with non-infectious allergens in patients with moderate allergic bronchial asthma, comorbid with allergic rhinitis and atopic dermatitis in the presence of polyvalent sensitization, a prospective, randomized controlled trial was conducted with 132 patients included. The first group of patients (n=88) against the background of basic anti-inflammatory therapy during the 3-year period had ASIT by four types of allergens identified during specific skin testing; the second group of patients (n=44) received only basic anti-inflammatory therapy. Analysis of the dynamics of the severity of skin-allergic samples showed that patients in the 1st group had significantly lower levels of pronounced tests and significant tests with an increase in the number of negative test results (p<0.005). By the end of the third year of observation, in the 2nd group of patients, the dynamics
towards a decrease in skin sensitivity to allergens was not detected.
1. Vorob’eva O. V., Gushchin I. S. Controlled studies of the efficacy and safety of allergen-specific immunotherapy: a historical aspect. Rossijskij allergologicheskij zhurnal. – Russian Allergology journal. 2011;4:3-14. (In Russ.).
2. Vyhristenko L. R. Sublingual and oral methods of specific immunotherapy for allergic diseases. Immunologiya, allergologiya, infektologiya. – Immunology, Allergology, Infectology. 2008;4:23-31. (In Russ.).
3. Gushchin I. S., Kurbacheva O. M. Allergiya i allergenspecificheskaya immunoterapiya. M.: «Farmarus Print Media», 2010. (In Russ.).
4. Kozulina I. E., Pavlova K. S., Kurbacheva O. M. Clinical efficacy of subcutaneous and sublingual allergenspecific immunotherapy of allergic rhinitis and conjunctivitis. Rossijskij allergologicheskij zhurnal. – Russian Allergology journal. 2016;6:63- 69. (In Russ.).
5. Pavlova K. S., Kurbacheva O. M. Pathogenetic therapy of allergic diseases: possibilities of ASIT in Russia. Effektivnaya farmakoterapiya. Allergologiya i immunologiya. – Effective pharmacotherapy. Allergology and immunology. 2012;2:10-15. (In Russ.).
6. Fedosova L. B., Pyckij V. I., Filatov O. Yu. Effektivnost’ specificheskoj allergovakcinacii u bol’nyh s razlichnym sochetaniem immunnyh i neimmunnyh mekhanizmov razvitiya atopii. Allergologiya i immunologiya. – Allergology and immunology. 2003;4(3):104-115. (In Russ.).
7. Calderón M., Cardona V., Demoly P. EAACI 100 Years of Immunotherapy Experts Panel. One hundred years of allergen immunotherapy European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology celebration: review of unanswered questions. Allergy. 2012;67(4):462-476.
8. Dreborg S. Evaluation of allergen immunotherapy. J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. Pract. 2015;3(2):267-268.
9. Jutel M., Agache I., Bonini S. International Consensus on Allergen Immunotherapy II: Mechanisms, standardization, and pharmacoeconomics. J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. 2016;137(2):358-368.
10. Jutel M., Agache I., Bonini S. International consensus on allergy immunotherapy. J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. 2015;136(3):556-568.
11. Radulvic S., Calderon M. A., Wilson D. Sublingual immunotherapy for allergic rhinitis. Cochrane Database Syst. Rev. 2010;8(12):CD002893.
12. Wyrzykowska N., Czarnecka-Operacz M., Adamski Z. Long-term efficacy of allergen specific immunotherapy in atopic dermatitis patients in relation to quality of life. Eur. Ann. Allergy Clin. Immunol. 2015;47(1):5-9.
Keywords: bronchial asthma, allergic rhinitis, dermatitis, allergy, comorbidity, allergen-specific immunotherapy, antiinflammatory therapy, skin tests