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Role of fetus sex in expression of angiogenic factors and supporting of citokine balance in maternal organism in physiological pregnancy and in placentary insufficiency

[Obstetrios and gynecology]
Tatiana Botasheva; Victor Radzinskiy; Anna Khloponina; Valentina Vasil’eva; Oleg Zavodnov; Elena Zheleznyakova; Oksana Sargsyan;

Changes in the expression of bioactive peptides contribute to the formation of many complications of gestation. The aim of the research was to study the effect of fetal sex on the production of angiogenic factors and cytokines in women during physiological and complicated pregnancy. In 172 women with physiological pregnancies and 188 with placental insufficiency, the level of angiogenic factors and cytokines in the venous blood of pregnant women was determined taking into account the sex of the fetus. It was found that in pregnant women with female fetuses, regardless of the nature of the course of pregnancy – physiological or complicated, higher levels of vascular endothelial factors and cytokines were noted. The identified dynamics of bioactive polypeptides indicates the existence of specific signals from the utero-placental-fetal complex to the maternal organism, which are statistically significantly related to the sex of the fetus and indicate a more pronounced interest of the immune system in the response of the maternal organism to gestational changes. These changes are more characteristic for pregnant women with female fetuses.


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Keywords: physiological pregnancy, placental insufficiency, fetal sex, bioactive polypeptides

Stavropol State Medical Academy
Pyatigorsk State Research Institute of Balneotherapeutics
Pyatigorsk State Pharmaceutical Academy