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Mass media registration certificate dated December 7, 2006.
Series ПИ #ФС 77-26521.
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ISSN 2073-8137

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Influence of au to- and xenogenic fibroblastes and dermal equivalent on macrophage content in granulative tissue of ishemic cutaneus wound on the 12 da y of regenerative histogenesis

[Original research] [Experimental medicine]
Grigory Demyashkin; Elena Yuryevna Shapovalova; Tatiana Anatolyevna Boyko; Yury Gennadievich Baranovsky; Marina Morozova; Alexey Gennadievich Baranovsky; Elizaveta Sergeevna Ageeva;

The presence of macrophages in the tissues of the regenerating model of skin ischemic wounds was determined on the mature C57/B1 mice after administration of auto- and xenogenic fibroblasts, and also after transplantation of the dermal equivalent with xenogenic fibroblasts. Macrophages were identified by the presence of the CD68 antigen by monoclonal antibodies by immunohistochemistry.On the 12th day of healing the experimental ischemic wound, the histological structure of the biopsy specimen after cutting the wound with auto- and xenogenic fibroblasts on the DMEM F12 growth medium and after transplantation of the dermal equivalent with xenogenic differ from the control by the level of development of the epidermis and statistically significant decrease in the macrophage index.The results obtained indicate a statistically significant reduction in the duration of inflammation and earlier and active formation of granulation tissue when using autofibroblasts.


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Keywords: healing, skin, cellular technology, macrophage, dermal equivalent, fibroblast

Stavropol State Medical Academy
Pyatigorsk State Research Institute of Balneotherapeutics
Pyatigorsk State Pharmaceutical Academy