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The journal is included into The list of leading scientific periodicals.
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[Original research] [Experimental medicine]
Konstantin Popov; Ilya Bykov; Igor Tsymbalyuk; Alexander Petrovich Storozhuk; Anatoly Nikolaevich Kurzanov; Elena Evgenevna Esaulenko;
1. Danilenko L. M., Pokrovsky M. V., Tatarenkova I. A., Elagin V. V., Bratchikov O. I.
Pharmacological preconditioning of resveratrol in ischemic / reherfusion injury: the role of nitric oxide. Kubanskij nauchnyj medicinskij vestnik. – Kuban scientific medical journal. 2015;155(6):35-38. (In Russ.).
2. Tsymbalyuk I. Y., Manuilov A. M., Popov K. A., Basov A. A. Metabolicheskaya
korrektsiya dikhloratsetatom natriya ishemicheskireperfuzionnogo povrezhdeniya pri sosudistoy izolyatsii pecheni v eksperimente. Novosti Khirurgii. Surgery News. 2017; 25(5):447-453. (In Russ.).
3. Zvyagina V. I., Belskikh E. S., Uryasev O. M., Medvedev D. V., Kiseleva V. A. [et al.]. Vliyaniye karnitina khlorida na mitokhondrii serdtsa krys pri modelirovanii gipergomotsisteinemii. Meditsinskii vestnik Severnogo Kavkaza. – Medical News of North Caucasus. 2018;13(1-1):78-81. (In Russ.).
4. Zorova L. D., Popkov V. A., Plotnikov E. J., Silachev D. N., Pevzner I. B. [et al.]. Funktsionalnaya znachimost mitokhondrialnogo membrannogo potentsiala. Biologicheskiye membrany. Zhurnal membrannoj i kletochnoj biologii. Membrane and Cell Biology J. 2017;34(6):93-100. (In Russ.).
5. Ionov D. I., Fedorova M. M., Galenko-Yaroshevsky P. A., Kezeli T. D., Mirziashvili M. A. [et al.]. Vliyaniye kardiotonicheskikh sredstv razlichnoy prirody na bioenergeticheskiye protsessy v miokarde pri sochetanii sindroma sistemnogo vospalitel’nogo otveta i serdechnoy nedostatochnosti. Kubanskij nauchnyj medicinskij vestnik. – Kuban scientific medical journal. 2016;156(1):52-56. (In Russ.).
6. Dzhimak S. S., Basov A. A., Volchenko N. N., Samkov A. A., Baryshev M. G. [et al.]. Changes in the functional activity of mitochondria isolated from the liver of rat that passed the preadaptation to ultra-low deuterium concentration. Doklady Biochemistry and Biophysics.2017;476(1):323-325.
7. Panov A. V. Practical mitochondriology: pitfalls and problems in studies of mitochondria with a description of mitochondrial functions. Charlston, NC USA: Create Space; 2015.
8. Perevoshchikova I. V., Sorochkina A. I ., Zorov D. B., Antonenko Y. N. Safranin O kak fluorestsentnyy indicator membrannogo potentsiala mitokhondriy: issledovaniye na urovne suspenzii i urovne otdelnykh mitokhondriy. Biokhimiya. – Biochemistry. 2009;74(6): 663-671.
9. Cheshchevik V. T. Mitochondrial membrane potential of rat hepatocytes under toxic injury. Izvestiya Nacional’noj akademii nauk Belarusi. Seriya biologicheskih nauk. – Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Biological Series. 2010;2:75-80. (In Russ.).
10. Bunting J. R., Phan T. V., Kamali E., Dowben R. M. Fluorescent cationic probes of mitochondria. Metrics and mechanism of interaction. Biophysical Journal. 1989;56(5):979-993.
11. Lin H. C., Liu S. Y., Lai H. S., Lai I. R. Isolated mitochondria infusion mitigates ischemia reperfusion injury of the liver in rats. Shock. 2013;39(3):304-310.
12. McCully J. D., Levitsky S., del Nido P. J., Cowan D. B. Mitochondrial transplantation for therapeutic use. Clinical and Translational Medicine. 2016;5:16.
Keywords: mitochondria, membrane potential, safranin, ischemia, reperfusion, liver