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ISSN 2073-8137

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Changes in the membrane potential of mitochondria in dependence on the continuance of ischemia and reperfusion of liver in rats

[Original research] [Experimental medicine]
Konstantin Popov; Ilya Bykov; Igor Tsymbalyuk; Alexander Petrovich Storozhuk; Anatoly Nikolaevich Kurzanov; Elena Evgenevna Esaulenko;

The study in the membrane potential of hepatocyte mitochondria in dependence on the various continuances of the ischemic and the following reperfusion period has been performed. The received data has demonstrated the gradual decrease in the membrane potential of mitochondria extracted from the liver tissue of rats after the ischemic periods of various continuances. The decrease in this index has practically reached the null-values after 25-minute clamping of the analogue of hepatoduodenal ligamentum. At the same time the tendency to the restoration of normal values for mitochondrial membrane potential at the reperfusion period has been revealed, most typically for the liver tissue after 10–15 minute ischemia (by 30–60 %, up to 102–154 mv). Thus, the received data demonstrate the high lability of the functional state of mitochondria at the ischemic-reperfusion disorder of hepatocytes and can be used for studies in the course peculiarities for various hypoenergetical conditions as well as for evaluation of effectiveness of mitochondrial cytoprotectors within the experimental correction of wide range of pathological processes.


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Keywords: mitochondria, membrane potential, safranin, ischemia, reperfusion, liver

Stavropol State Medical Academy
Pyatigorsk State Research Institute of Balneotherapeutics
Pyatigorsk State Pharmaceutical Academy