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The journal is included into The list of leading scientific periodicals.
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[Original research] [Experimental medicine]
Boleslav Levitan; Nadezhda Nikolaevna Larina; Olga Viktorovna Bazaeva (Karapetyan);
The aim of the study was to develop an experimental model of liver damage gas Astrakhan gas condensate field with a high content of hydrogen sulfide. The study was conducted on 40 laboratory mice of the CBA line weighing 10–15 g. Experimental animals were exposed to a mixture of air and AGM gas at a concentration of 200, 300 and 400 mg/m3 of hydrogen sulfide for an hour. The nature and severity of liver pathomorphology disorders in experimental animals was directly dependent on the concentration of hydrogen sulfide in the gas mixture. It is shown that the optimal concentration of AGM gas in mice experimental model of liver damage is 300 mg/m3 of hydrogen sulfide when exposed for an hour. It is shown that for the experimental model of liver damage in mice, the optimal concentration of gas ACF is 300 mg/m3 of hydrogen sulfide with the one-hour exposition time.
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3. Trizno N. N., Teplyi D. L., Golubkina E. V., Trizno M. N., Dyukareva O. S. Narusheniya v sisteme gemostaza pri vozdejstvii serovodorodsoderzhashhego gaza i vozmozhnye puti korrekcii. Estestvennye nauki. Natural Sciences. 2017;58(1):67-72. (In Russ.).
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6. Boev V. M., Nikonorov A. A., Perepelkin S. V., Filippov V. K. Vozdeystviye serovodorodsoderzhashchego gazokondensata na sistemu mikrosomalnykh monooksigenaz pecheni. Gigiyena i sanitariya. – Hygiene and sanitation. 1997;(5):5-6. (In Russ.).
Keywords: hydrogen sulfide containing gas, liver, experiment