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[Original research] [Experimental medicine]
Lyubov Ilinichna Kolesnikova; Larisa Romanovna Kolesnikova; Marina Aleksandrovna Darenskaya; Larisa Viktorovna Natyaganova; Lyudmila Anatolevna Grebenkina; Leonid Innokentievich Korytov; Sergey Ivanovich Kolesnikov;
On mature male rats, the Wistar Albino Glaxo (WAG) lines reproduced the stages of the «stress reaction»: anxiety and resistance. During the evaluation of the experimental data, an increased intensity of the lipid peroxidation at the stage of anxiety and resistance in the form of an increase in the concentration of intermediate products, KD and CT, with their more intensive accumulation in the second stage was shown. The reactions of the antioxidant defense system is differed directions depending on the stage of stress: an increase in SOD activity and the level of retinol in the anxiety stage and an increase in SOD activity with a marked decrease in the total antioxidant activity and concentration of α-tocopherol during the resistance stage. Thus, changes in the system of LPO-AOD in animals at a late stage of post-stress can be interpreted as a decrease in the activity of nonspecific reactions, which indicates the duration of the negative impact of immobilization stress.
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Keywords: immobilization stress, oxidative stress, stress-reaction