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[Original research] [Internal diseases]
Alexandr Yagoda; Pavel Koroy; Guzel Gilyazova;
Plasma levels of selectins were studied in 90 pa-
tients with chronic viral hepatitis C in relationship with
the results of antiviral therapy.
The levels of Е-, L- and Р-selectin in blood were
increased in patients with chronic viral hepatitis С.
The plasma levels of Е- and L-selectin decreased
and parameters of soluble P-selectin normalized
during antiviral therapy, especially in patients who
have reached sustained virologic response. The de-
velopment of sustained virologic response in chronic
viral hepatitis С is associated with lower initial blood
levels of Е- and Р-selectin that can be used in prog-
nosis of stable virologic clearance.
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Keywords: chronic viral hepatitis С, E-selectin, L-selectin, P-selectin, antiviral therapy, sustained virologic response