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ISSN 2073-8137

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Clinical diagnostic value of assessing the level of regulatory autoantibodies in patients with endometrial hyperplasia in combination with chronic endometritis

[Obstetrios and gynecology]
Lyudmila Tkachenko; Natalia Sviridova;

Overall, 60 patients, aged 45–55, with simple (n=30) or complex endometrial hyperplasia (n=30) with no signs of atypia associated with chonic endometritis underwent a complex clinical and laboratory assessment in this study. The study of the state of autoimmunity in surveyed patients was characterized by the imbalance of its performance (reduction profiles of autoantibodies to double-stranded DNA; raising of the profile of autoantibodies to the Fc-fragment, collagen and SPR-06), that could be one of the diagnostic criteria of morphological and functional failure of the endometrium. The two-stage therapy of chronic endometritis contributed to a statistically significant increase in the profile of autoantibodies to double-stranded DNA and a significant decrease in the level of autoantibodies to the Fc-fragment, collagen and SPR-06 (p<0.05), which corresponded with the results of morphological studies and proved the recovery of the morphofunctional potential of the endometrium. This has improved treatment outcomes and the effectiveness of hormonal therapy of endometrial hyperplasia in perimenopause.


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Keywords: endometrial hyperplastic processes, chonic endometritis, autoantibodies

Stavropol State Medical Academy
Pyatigorsk State Research Institute of Balneotherapeutics
Pyatigorsk State Pharmaceutical Academy