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Osteopathy is a new medical specialty. Assessment of clinical effectiveness of osteopathic manipulative therapy in various diseases

Yulia Potekhina; Elena Tregubova; Dmitry Mokhov;

The review shows the effectiveness of osteopathic manipulative therapy (OMT) of various diseases basing on randomized controlled trials. OMT reduces pain and increases the mobility of joints and spine in musculoskeletal diseases. OMT has an analgesic effect. It influences on the peripheral and central links of the nociceptive system, and activates the antinociceptive system. OMT gives good results in functional disorders such as urinary incontinence in women, irritable bowel syndrome, and postoperative ileus. OMT improves the lymph flow and the lymphatic drainage, which is extremely difficult to obtain by other methods. Osteopathic treatment is safe. It provides an individual approach to patients, allows reducing the drug load. It can be successfully combined with other treatment methods. OMT complements the toolkit of clinical medicine and can take its rightful place in the system of provision of medical care to the population.


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Keywords: osteopathy, osteopathic manipulative therapy, functional disorders, musculoskeletal disorders, pain

Stavropol State Medical Academy
Pyatigorsk State Research Institute of Balneotherapeutics
Pyatigorsk State Pharmaceutical Academy