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The history of nitrous oxide. Should it still be used in pediatric medicine? (Part II)

Leo Booij;

Nitrous oxide (N2O) has long been used for providing anesthesia. Despite its beneficial properties were discovered significant adverse effects on the human body. This suggests that the influence of this gas lies not only in changing the function of the nervous system, but also to a large extent due to the impact on the human reproductive system, leading to
the development of teratogenic effects in long exposures. Features of the metabolic gas in childhood can lead to seizures and mental disturbances in patients. The instability of hemodynamics at high doses and a tendency to hypoxic brain damage make this anesthetic unsafe in children.


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106. Booij Leo H. D. H. J. The history of nitrous oxide. Should it still be used in pediatric medicine? (Part I). Medical News of North Caucasus. 2017;12(3):347-354. https://doi.org/10.14300/mnnc.2017.12074
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Keywords: pediatric anesthesia, pediatric surgery, anesthesia associated complications in children, drugs adverse reactions

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