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Mass media registration certificate dated December 7, 2006.
Series ПИ #ФС 77-26521.
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ISSN 2073-8137

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Comprehensive risk assessment of epidemiological situation aggravation as regards natural-focal infectious diseases during the XXI FIFA world cup in the Russian Federation in 2018

[Infectious diseases]
Svetlana Udovichenko; Alexandra Ivanova; Vladimir Toporkov; Evgeny Kouklev; Aleksandr Kuznetsov; Mikhail Tarasov; Alexander Sludsky; Andrey Boiko;

The paper identifies major epidemiological threats associated with holding the XXI World Cup in 11 cities of the Russian Federationю Epidemiological conjuncture of enzootic natural focal infectious diseases of bacterial and viral etiology registered in FWC-2018 host-entities was analyzed from the standpoint of epidemiological risk. It is shown that hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome was the most significant internal threat for the Republic of Tatarstan and Mordovia, Samara and Nizhny Novgorod Regions, Ixodidae tick-borne borreliosis – for Moscow, Saint Petersburg, and Sverdlovsk Region. The average risk of tick-borne viral encephalitis was determined for the Sverdlovsk Region. During the World Cup-2018, the probability of Crimean hemorrhagic fever occurrence existed in the Rostov Region (medium risk), West Nile fever – in Volgograd Region (medium risk). A clearer understanding of the epidemiological threats picture enabled us to formulate better strategies and possible to scientifically substantiate a set of preventive measures in areas of epidemiological risk.


1. Onishchenko G. G., Toporkov A. V., Patyashina M. A., Udovichenko S. K., Toporkov V. P. [et al.] Prevention and control over emergencies of biological nature under conditions of international mass events. Infectious diseases: news, opinions, training. 2016;1(14):81-88.
2. Udovichenko S. K., Toporkov A. V., Karnaukhov I. G., Kuklev E. V., Kedrova O. V. [et al.] Assessment of the Potential Epidemic Hazard as Regards International Public Events in Terms of the Currently Important Infectious Diseases. Problems of Particularly Dangerous Infections. 2013;(3):29-39. https://doi.org/10.21055/0370-1069-2013-3-29-39
3. Tkachenko E. A., Dzagurova T. K., Bernshtein A. D., Okulova N. M., Korotina N. A. [et al.] Hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome in Russia – the problem of the 21st century. Herald of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences. 2012;1:48-55.
4. Dmitrieva L. N., Shiyanova A. E., Toporkov V. P., Karnaukhov I. G. Epidemiological situation on zoonotic infections in the territory of Privolzhsky Federal District and shortterm prognosis of its development. Pest Management. 2013; 2:4-11.
5. Dzagurova T. K. Hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (etiology, specific laboratory diagnostics, development of diagnostic and vaccine preparations). Abstract of Dissertation of Doctor Medical Sciences. Moscow, 2014.
6. Yankovskaya Ya. D., Chernobrovkinya T. Ya., Onukhova M. N., Volodin V. N., Burova S. V. [et al.] Certain epidemiological aspects associated with infections transmitted by Ixodidae ticks in metropolitan city. The Russian Archives of Internal Medicine. 2017;7(6):423-432. https://doi.org/10.20514/2226-6704-2017-7-6-423-432
7. Volynkina A. S., Kotenev E. S., Lisitskaya Ya. V., Maletskaya O. V., Pakskina N. D. [et al.] Analysis of Crimean Hemorrhagic Fever Morbidity Rates in the Russian Federation in 2017 and Prognosis for 2018. Problems of Particularly Dangerous Infections. 2018;(1):12-15. https://doi.org/10.21055/0370-1069-2018-1-12-15

Keywords: natural-focal infectious diseases, epidemiological risk, comprehensive risk assessment, FIFA World Cup-2018

Stavropol State Medical Academy
Pyatigorsk State Research Institute of Balneotherapeutics
Pyatigorsk State Pharmaceutical Academy