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ISSN 2073-8137

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Hydatid cyst morbidity in endemic regions of the community of independent states: a multicenter study

Sergey Minaev; Maxim Razin; Mikhail Aksel’rov; Arthur Aidemirov; Azamat Shamsiev; Ramiz Poluxov; Victor Tarakanov; Jamshid Shamsiev; Albert Vafin; Alina Mashchenko;

We present findings of a multicenter study investigating incidence of hydatid cysts in endemic regions of the Community of Independent States (CIS). Transmission of hydatid cysts depends on agricultural activity. The highest incidence in the CIS was observed in Yamal-Nenets Autonomous District (4.2±0.36 and 4.5±1.1 per 00,0001 adults) and Republic of Uzbekistan (4.9±0.45 and 4.3±0.5 per 100,000 children). Among adults, hydatid cysts were more common among those aged 18– 40 years and in men (56.3–64.5 %), except in Stavropol Territory (43.4 %). Among children, boys (56.8–77.6 %) and children aged 10–14 years had higher incidence. Krasnodar Territory had the highest number of meat samples contaminated with Echinococcus cysts. Incidence of hydatid cysts showed different structures and frequencies throughout the CIS; incidence is likely underestimated in the official statistics. The data obtained indicate the need to improve specialized services, including creation of a population register, for the study of hydatid cysts.


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Keywords: hydatid cyst, echinococcosis, morbidity, children, adults

Stavropol State Medical Academy
Pyatigorsk State Research Institute of Balneotherapeutics
Pyatigorsk State Pharmaceutical Academy