Medical news
of the North Caucasus
Scientific journal
Mass media registration certificate dated December 7, 2006.
Series ПИ #ФС 77-26521.
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ISSN 2073-8137

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Effect of chronic administration of fluoxetine, melatonin and their combination on the timecourse of the circadian rhythm of motor activity in rats

[Experimental medicine]
Olga Kaminskaya; Alexey Popov;

Single and complex effects of melatonin (0.5 mg/kg) and fluoxetine (5 mg/kg) on the dynamics of the circadian rhythm of locomotor activity of rats were studied. Chronic injecting stress caused disruption of circadian rhythm of mobility with in its amplitude, increase of acrophase instability and change of spectral characteristics. Melatonin in combination with fluoxetine better then single antidepressant administration prevented rhythm disruption. It was assumed that application of the above combination of substances in clinical practice is promising.


1. Arushanian E. B. Unikalnii melatonin. Stavropol, 2006. (In Russ.).
2. Arushanian E. B. Ogranichenie okislitelnogo stressa kak osnovnaya prichina universalnih zashitnih svoistv melatonina. Experimentalnaya i clinicheskaya farmacologiya. – Exp. and Clin. Pharmacol. 2012;75(5):44-49. (In Russ.).
3. Arushanian E. B., Baturin V. A. Hronopharmakologiya antidepresantov. Pharmacologiya and tocsikologiya. – Pharmacology and toxicology. 1990;1(3-4):158-166. (In Russ.).
4. Arushanian E. B., Popov A. V. V nizkoi doze melatonin usilivaet psihotropnuu I hronotropnuu aktivnost tofizopama u kris. Experimentalnaya i clinicheskaya farmacologiya.– Exp. and Clin.Pharmacol. 2013;76(4):15-17. (In Russ.).
5. Baturin V. A., Arushanian E. B. Osobennosti sinhroniziruushego deistvia melatonina na dinamiku cirkodiannoi podvignosti kris. Zhurnal visshei nervnoi deyatelnosti im. I. P. Pavlova. – Zh. Vyssh. Nerv. Deiat. Im. I. P. Pavlova. 1991;41(4):822-827. (In Russ.).

Keywords: melatonin, fluoxetine, combined use

Stavropol State Medical Academy
Pyatigorsk State Research Institute of Balneotherapeutics
Pyatigorsk State Pharmaceutical Academy