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Oksana Drapkina; Mariya Livzan; Anatolii Martynov; C. Moiseev; Nikolai Nikolaev; Yulia Skirdenko;
The first Russian expert consensus on the quantitative evaluation of the treatment adherence: pivotal issues, algorithms and recommendations approved by the XII National Congress of physicians (Moscow, 22–24 November, 2017).
1. Nikolaev N. A., Skirdenko Yu. P Russian universal questionnaire for the quantitative evaluation of adherence to treatment (KOP- 25). Clinical pharmacology and therapy. 2018;27(1):74-78. (In Russ.)
2. Nikolaev N. A. Demonstrative hyperensiologia: the individualized hypotensive therapy. Moscow. Publiching house «Russian Academy of Natural History». 2015; 149. (In Russ.)
3. Nikolaev N. A. Quantitative evaluation of adherence to treatment in clinical medicine: Protocol, procedure, interpretation. Good clinical practice. 2016;1:50-59. (In Russ.)
4. Nikolaev N. A. Guidelines for clinical trials of internal medicine. Moscow. Publiching house «Russian Academy of Natural History». 2015; 60. (In Russ.)
5. Fofanova T V. Adherence to therapy and methods of its increase in patients with arterial hypertension and coronary heart disease. The author’s abstract diss... dock. honey. sciences’. M., 2015. (In Russ.)
6. Chukaeva I. I. What is adherence to treatment and what can be done to improve it (on the example of arterial hypertension). Medical business. 2012;2:21-26. [In Russ.)
7. Atkinson M. J., Sinha A., Hass S. L. [et al.]. Validation of a general measure of treatment satisfaction, the Treatment Satisfaction Questionnaire for Medication (TSQM), using a national panel study of chronic disease. Health Qual. Life Outcomes. 2004;2:12.
8. Benner J. S., Tierce J. C., Ballantyne C. M. [et al.]. Follow-up lipid tests and physician visits are associated with improved adherence to statin therapy. Pharmacoeco- nomics. 2004;22 (suppl 3):13-23.
9. Brown M. J. Resistant hypertension: resistance to treatment or resistance to taking treatment? Heart. 2014;100(11):821-822.
10. Burnier M. Managing ‘resistance’: is adherence a target for treatment? Curr. Opin. Nephrol. Hypertens. 2014;23(5):439-443.
11. DiMatteo M. R., Giodani P J., Lepper Y. S., Croghan T W. Patient adherence and medical treatment out comes: a meta-analysis. Med.Care. 2002;40(9):794-811.
12. Garcia A., Leiva F., Martos F, Garcia A., Prados D., Sanchez F How to diagnose adherence to treatment in primary health care? Medicina de Familia. 2000;1:13-19.
13. Haynes R. B., McDonald H., Garg A. X., Montague P Interventions for helping patients to follow prescriptions for medications. Cochrane Database Syst. Rev. 2002: CD000011.
14. Horne R., Weinman J., Barber N., Elliot R., Morgan M. Concordance, adherence and compliane in medicine taking. Report for the National Coordinating Centre for NHS Service Delivery and Organisation R & D. 2005.
15. Intas G., Kalogianni A., Stergiannis P, Bratakos M. [et al.]. Development and validation of a diabetes self-care activities questionnaire. Journal of Diabetes Nursing. 2012;16(3):100-110.
16. Morisky D. E., Green L. W., Levine D. M. Concurrent and predictive validity of a self-reported measure of medication adherence. Med. Care. 1986;24:67-74.
17. Morisky D. E., Ang A., Krousel-Wood M., Ward H. J. Predictive validity of a medication adherence measure in an outpatient setting. J. Clin. Hypertens (Greenwich). 2008;10 (5):348-354.
18. Munger M. A., Van Tassell B. W., La Fleur J. Medication nonadherence: an unrecognized cardiovascular risk factor. Med. Gen. Med. 2007;19;9(3):58.
19. Osterberg L., Blaschke T Adherence to medication. N. Engl. J. Med. 2005;353(5):487-497.
20. Perez-Escamilla B., Franco-Trigo L., Moullin J. C. [et al.]. Identification of validated questionnaires to measure adherence to pharmacological antihypertensive treatments. Patient Prefer. Adherence. 2015;9:569-578.
21. Skovlund S. E. Patient-reported Assessments in Diabetes Care: Clinical and Research Applications. Current Diabetes Reports. 2005;5:115-123.
22. The ISPOR Compliance and Persistence SIG Definitions Working Group. Available at: tion.asp
23. Wilke T., Muller S. Nonadherence in Outpatient Thromboprophylaxis after Major Orthopedic Surgery: A Systematic Review. Expert. Rev. Pharmacoeconomics Outcomes Res. 2010;10 (6):691-700.
24. World Health Organization: Adherence to long-term therapies: evidence for action. 2003. Available at: http:// full_report.pdf.
25. World Health Organization. Secondary prevention of non-communicable disease in low and middle-income countries through community-based and health service interventions. 2002. Available at: // knowledge/publications/adherence_full_report.pdf
Keywords: adherence to treatment, quantitative evaluation, recommendations, Russian consensus