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Supranational (international) guidelines for heritable thoracic aortic aneurysm and dissection

[Clinical recommendations]
Andrey Rudoy;

Supranational (international) guidelines for heritable thoracic aortic aneurysm and dissection were developed by the experts committee of the Eurasian Association of Internists, Belarusian Scientific Society of Cardiologists and Russian Scientific Medical Society of Internal Medicine, and approved by the II Congress of the Eurasian Association of Internists on 19–20 May 2016 (Yerevan), as well as by the VII Congress of Cardiologists, Cardiosurgeons, X-ray Endovascular and Vascular Surgeons of the Republic of Belarus on 15–16 December 2016 (Minsk).



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10. Guo D. C., Papke C. L., Tran-Fadulu V. [et al.] Mutations in smooth muscle alpha-actin (ACTA2) cause coronary artery disease, stroke, and Moyamoya disease, along with thoracic aortic disease. The American Journal of Human Genetics. 2009;84(5):617-627. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ajhg.2009.04.007
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24. Rudoj A. S. TGF-beta-zavisimyj pato- genez sindroma Marfana i rodstvennyh nasledstvennyh narushenij soedinitel’noj tkani. Arterial'naja gipertenzija. - Arterial hypertension. 2009;15(2):23-26. (in Russ.)
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26. Rudoj A. S., Bova A. A., Nehajchik, T. A. Anevrizma grudnogo otdela aorty i strukturnye anomalii serdca pri nasledstvennyh narushenijah soedinitel’noj tkani: monografija. Minsk: «BGMU», 2016. (in Russ.)
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28. Rudoj A. S. Sindrom- nye i «semejnye» anevrizmy grudnoj aorty (nasledstven- nye aortopatii): monografija. Minsk: «Tiras-N», 2016. (in Russ.)
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Keywords: thoracic aortic diseases, heritable aortic aneurysm, aortic dissection, hereditary connective tissue disorders, supranational (international) guidelines

Stavropol State Medical Academy
Pyatigorsk State Research Institute of Balneotherapeutics
Pyatigorsk State Pharmaceutical Academy