Medical news
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Mass media registration certificate dated December 7, 2006.
Series ПИ #ФС 77-26521.
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ISSN 2073-8137

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Anatomical features of the interdependence of the basic parameters of the dental arches of the upper and lower jaws of man

Alexandr Korobkeev; Dmitry Domenyuk; Vladimir Shkarin; Sergey Dmitrienko; Ludmila Weisheim; Valeriy Konnov;

The results of biometric examination of gypsum models of 107 people of the first period of adulthood with physiological occlusion of permanent teeth showed the interrelation of odontometric parameters and sizes of dental arches of the upper and lower jaw. Regardless of gnathic and dental type of dental arches, the ratio of the sum of the mesial-distal dimensions of the 14 teeth of the upper jaw to the analogous parameters of the lower jaw was, on average, 1.065±0.005. The ratio of the sum of the crown widths of the 7 teeth of each half of the dental arch to the size of the front-distal diagonal was 1.065±0.005 on both the upper and lower dental arch. The ratio of the diagonal dimensions of the upper dental arch to the same size of the lower arch was also 1.065±0.01 for all types of dental arches. The obtained information can be used to determine the intermaxillary correspondence of the main dimensions of the dental arches of the upper and lower jaws, to characterize the physiological occlusion, to predict the shape and size of the dental arches in the treatment of patients with anomalies of occlusion, when choosing the sizes of artificial teeth in people with complete adentia.


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Keywords: physiological occlusion, normodontism, microdontism, macrodontism, mesognathy, dolichognathy, brachygnathy, dental arch index

Stavropol State Medical Academy
Pyatigorsk State Research Institute of Balneotherapeutics
Pyatigorsk State Pharmaceutical Academy