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ISSN 2073-8137

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Effect of some immunomodulators on the migration activity of peripheral blood leukocytes in patients with erysipelas

[Infectious diseases]
Olga Paevskaya; Olga Belaia; Svetlana Zuevskaya; Yuliya Yudina; Natalia Kolaeva;

The reactivity of T-cells in a screening cell migration test (SCMT) in vitro in patients with recurrent erysipelas and healthy individuals to immunomodulatory drugs – Derinat, Roncoleukin, Gamma-plant, Leikinferon – have been studied. Significant differences in migratory activity of leucocytes (MAL) in respond to a variety of immunomodula tors, depending on their concentration, have been determined. It is assumed that the acceleration of MAL to certain concentrations of studied immunomodulators can be interpreted as an indicator of the «SOS» response, and the introduction of immunomodulators in this period may have a disadvantageous effect on inflammation and the formation of immune response.


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Keywords: immunomodulators, erysipelas, T-cell, migration activity of leukocytes

Stavropol State Medical Academy
Pyatigorsk State Research Institute of Balneotherapeutics
Pyatigorsk State Pharmaceutical Academy