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ISSN 2073-8137

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Immunomorphological features of the most acute period of experimental hemorrhagic stroke (review of experimental morphological studies)

Ludmila Klyueva; Edward Shvetzov; Svetlana Chilingaridi; Elena Nikiforova;

In recent years, researchers have performed a series of morphological studies, the purpose of which was to determine the characteristics of the immune response of organs and tissues in condition of experimental hemorrhagic stroke. Using histological methods, researchers identified the pattern of cytoarchitectonics changes of lymphoid nodules in tracheal wall, hepatic lymph nodes and thymus in male rats Wistar during the experiment. The analysis of the morphological data revealed a decrease in the number of lymphocytes in the thymus and in the lymphoid nodules of the tracheal wall (in rats not resistant to stress); in addition there was identified the active destruction of the lymphoid series cells in all studied organs. At the same time, the authors noted an increase in proliferative activity of lymphoid tissue in the acute period of stroke, as well as active migration of lymphoid cells. Adaptive mechanisms were more active in rats resistant to stress, this fact was confirmed morphologically: the number of lymphocytes in the lymphoid nodules of the tracheal wall and hepatic lymph nodes was increased in this group of animals, the process of cell reproduction was active, the weight index and the cortical-brain index of thymus was changed to a lesser degree compared with rats not resistant to stress.


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Keywords: stroke, experimental stroke, immune system, lymphoid tissue, lymphoid nodules, trachea, thymus, liver lymph nodes

Stavropol State Medical Academy
Pyatigorsk State Research Institute of Balneotherapeutics
Pyatigorsk State Pharmaceutical Academy