Medical news
of the North Caucasus
Scientific journal
Mass media registration certificate dated December 7, 2006.
Series ПИ #ФС 77-26521.
Federal service for surveillance over non-violation of the legislation in the sphere of mass communications and protection of cultural heritage.
ISSN 2073-8137

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Potential of uroandrological service by the example of the municipal men`s health protection center in the Stavropol city

[Original research] [Urology]
Igor Panchenko; Andrey Brusnev; Mikhail Sostin; Oleg Garmash; Nina Stepanova; Eduard Marabyan; Andrey Shipilov;

In 2007 in Stavropol «The target program of protection of man’s health» is adopted; and creation of a specialized uro-andrological center of man’s health protection was the solution of its main task. The National demographic policy of the Russian Federation is put in a basis of work of the Center.

The main priority directions of work of the Center are: children uroandrology – treatment of congenital diseases of the man’s sexual sphere and prevention of development of infertility at children and teenagers; man’s infertility and sexual frustration – conservative and surgical treatment; oncological diseases of the man’s sexual sphere – early diagnostics of adenoma and cancer of a prostate gland and other neoplasms.

Considering the given results of work for 3 years, the activity of the Medical Center was a powerful contribution to formation of urological and children uroand rological service in the city of Stavropol and Stavropol region. Today the Center is one of the first models of the «Man’s consultation» in the Russian Federation.


1. Prikaz MZ SK № 01-05/857 ot 27.12.2012 «Ob ustanovlenii regionalnykh meditsinskikh standartov pri okazanii meditsinskoy pomoshchi».
2. Panchenko I. A., Marabyan E. S., Garmash O. N. Andrologiya i genitalnaya khirurgiya. 2009;3:73–75.
3. Panchenko I. A. Stavropolskaya tselevaya programma okhrany muzhskogo zdorovya. Materialy konferentsii «Zdorovy gorod: Rossyskaya semya – problemy, puti resheniya i perspektivy». 2008;229–230.
4. Pushkar D. Yu., Govorov A. V., Bormotin A. V. Andrologiya i genitalnaya khirurgiya. 2003;1:10–13.

Keywords: uroandrology, men reproductive health, levels of medical prevention

Stavropol State Medical Academy
Pyatigorsk State Research Institute of Balneotherapeutics
Pyatigorsk State Pharmaceutical Academy