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[Original research] [Pediatrics]
Sergey Minaev; Chersi Gudiev; Sergey Timofeev; Tamara Khoranova; Elena Lukyanenko; Elena Tovkan; Alesya Isaeva; Alexandr Obedin; Igor Kirgizov; Natalya Getman;
The level of protein binding fatty acid (I-FABP, «BCM Diagnostics») in blood serum was investigated in 24 infants with congenital high and low intestinal obstruction on 0, 1, 3, 7, 14 days. All children underwent surgical correction of the defect in the first and second days after diagnosis. I-FABP level in children before surgery in group 1 (with purulent-inflammatory complications) (Me: 71.9 ng/ml, interquartile range P25–P75: 100 ng/ml) was significantly (p=0.0031) higher than the corresponding figures in a control group (Me: 24.95 ng/ml P25–P75: 52.25 ng/ml). By the 14th day the difference of I-FABP indicators in group 1 and group 2 (no postoperative complications) was as follows: Me: 197.50 ng/ml, P25–P75: 75.6 ng/ml and Me: 45.36 ng/ml, P25–P75: 52.2 ng/ml, respectively. To assess the condition of newborns with malformations of the gastrointestinal tract following surgery it is necessary to study I-FABP, which is a marker of damage of the small intestine epithelial cells.
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Keywords: newborn, gastrointestinal tract, congenital malformations, I-FABP