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The journal is included into The list of leading scientific periodicals.
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[Original research] [Internal diseases]
Maria Evsevyeva; Lyudmila Ivanova; Maria Rostovtseva; Oksana Sergeeva;
The features of workplace (WP) arterial hypertension (AH) in total of 68 young men – employees of law enforcement (LE) subject to the professional stress were studied using daily blood pressure monitoring (DBPM) during workdays and days off. The military personnel who served no more than 5 years were included. The control group consisted of support personnel (cooks, janitors, musicians and so forth). The supervision surveyed from both groups were quite comparable on age. Results. During the working day the majority of DM parameters in males involved in a stressful activity considerably exceeded similar parameters controls. Thus, in the day off almost all parameters of a daily profile normalized. Comparison of the ambulatory and office blood pressure measurements yielded similar results. Possibility of AH development in young men undergone stress at work indicates the expediency of DM inclusion in the medical examination of young men occupied in a stress-associated activity.
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2. Evsevyeva M. E., Pshennikova M. G. Kardiologiya. – Cardiology. 2002;42(4):51-54.
3. Kalyagin Y. S., Kozlov A. A., Dorovskikh I. V., Buzina T. S. Voyenno-meditsinsky zhurnal. – Military medical journal. 2006;11:49-54.
4. Shogenov A. G., Murtazov A. M. Meditsina truda i promyshlennaya ekologiya. – Occupational Medicine and industrial ecology. 2007;5:10-12.
5. Brannena C., Emberlyb D. J., McGrathc P. Health & Place. 2008;15(1):219-227.
Keywords: arterial hypertension, professional stress, young age