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[Internal diseases]
Maria Vershinina; Galina Nechaeva; Anna Homenya; Olga Drokina;
The aim of the study was to evaluate the effectiveness of medical rehabilitation at various clinical variants of bronchopulmonary syndrome in patients with connective tissue dysplasia. 174 patients aged 18–40 years were examined. All patients were divided into subgroups according to the predominant clinical variant of bronchopulmonary syndrome. The data supporting the efficacy of individual rehabilitation program after 12 months of observation were obtained.
1. Viktorova I. A., Nechaeva G. I., Konev V. P., Victorov S. I., Kiseleva D. S. Rossijskie medicinskie vesti. – Russian medical lead. 2009;XIV(1):76-86.
2. Vein A. M. Vegetativnye rasstroystva: klinika, diagnostika, lecheniye. M.: OOO «Meditsinskoye informatsionnoye agentstvo»; 2003. 752 р.
3. Kadurina T. I., Gorbunova V. N. Displaziya soyedinitelnoy tkani. Rukovodstvo dlya vrachey. SPb:«Elbi-SPb»; 2009.
4. Vershinina M. V., Nechaeva G. I., Greenberg L. M., Khomenya A. A., Govorova S.E. Pulmonologiya. – Pulmonology. 2013;6:21-27.
5. Nechaeva G. I., Victorova I. A. Displaziya soyedinitelnoy tkani: terminologiya, diagnostika, taktika vedeniya patsiyentov. Omsk; 2007. 188 р.
6. Nechaeva G. I., Drokina O.V., Druk I. V., Vershinina M. V., Lyaliukova E. A., Kolmenkova I. V. Lechashhij vrach. – Attending Doctor. 2014;8:70-74.
7. Vershinina M. V., Nechaeva G. I., Greenberg L. M., Govorova S. E., Gershevich V. M., Neretin A. V. Tuberkulez i bolezni legkix. – Tuberculosis and Lung Disease. 2012;5:15-19.
Keywords: connective tissue dysplasia bronchopulmonary syndrome, rehabilitation