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Mass media registration certificate dated December 7, 2006.
Series ПИ #ФС 77-26521.
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ISSN 2073-8137

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Comparative characteristics of immunomodulatory effect of foam intragastric cocktails of different gas composition in patients with atopic dermatitis

[Original research] [Dermatology]
Leonid Starokozhko; Ivan Gajdamaka; Anna Tishaeva;

A comparative evaluation of immunomodulatory activity of foam intragastric cocktails of different gas composition with thick extract of licorice root (oxygen, carbon dioxide, nitrogen, nitrous oxide) in patients with atopic dermatitis is performed. The dynamics of immune parameters characterizing the main components of the immune system under the effect of the studied drug formulations was determined. Different effect depending on the gas component of the dispersion medium is established: immunosuppressive one at the application of oxygen cocktail, immunostimulating B-link of immunity for carbon dioxide, the T-link – for nitrogen and universal immunomodulatory
effect characteristic of nitrous oxide.


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2. Starokozhko L.E., Korobko I.Yu., Guteneva G.S. Immunomodulyator. Patent RF; 2003. №2202358. 6 р.
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4. Starokozhko L.E., Samutin N.M., Korsikov A.A., Seleznev V.N. Svoystvo gazovykh sostavlyayushchikh gazovo-pennykh sred okazyvat na organizm cheloveka i zhivotnykh immunomoduliruyushcheye deystviye. Svidetelstvo na otkrytiye. Moskva. RAEN; 2005. №279.
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Keywords: foam intragastric cocktails of different gas composition, thick licorice root extract, atopic dermatitis, immune status

Stavropol State Medical Academy
Pyatigorsk State Research Institute of Balneotherapeutics
Pyatigorsk State Pharmaceutical Academy