Medical news
of the North Caucasus
Scientific journal
Mass media registration certificate dated December 7, 2006.
Series ПИ #ФС 77-26521.
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ISSN 2073-8137

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The differentiated approach to the choice of surgical correction techique in the cases of auricle partial defects

Arsenty Gyusan;

Based on the experience of 14 cases of the auricle partial defect correction the different surgical approaches and techniques are presented and considered. It is concluded that in order to achieve a satisfactory outcomes of surgery requires careful preoperative analysis of the defect, compiling individual plan of the operation, a differentiated approach to it, depending on the location of the defect, its size and condition of the surrounding tissue and gentle handling. To achieve the satisfactory outcomes of the surgery careful preoperative analysis of the defect, an individualized plan of surgery, a differentiated approach taking into account the localization of the defect, its size and condition of the surrounding tissues, as well as a gentle method of operation are required.


1. Gyusan A. O. Pozadiushnoy loskut v rekonstruktivnoy plastike chastichnykh defektov ushnoy rakoviny. Mater. 7-y nauch.-prakt.konf. vrachey KChR «Aktualnye problem klinicheskoy meditsiny». Cherkessk; 2009. Р. 50-52.
2. Gyusan A. O. Vosstanovitelnaya khirurgiya chastichnykh defektov ushnoy rakoviny. Mater. Natsionalnogo kongressa Plasticheskaya khirurgiya. M.: «Izdatelsky dom «Bionika»; 2011. Р. 71-72.
3. Gyusan A. O. Primeneniye kozhnoy plastiki loskutom na nozhke iz bokovoy poverkhnosti shei pri travmaticheskikh defektakh ushnoy rakoviny. Mater. 9-y nauch.-prakt. konf. vrachey KChR «Voprosy teoreticheskoy i prakticheskoy meditsiny». Cherkessk; 2011. Р. 68-69.
4. Plasticheskaya i rekonstruktivnaya khirurgiya litsa / Pod red. A. D. Peypla; Per.s angl. M.: «BINOM. Laboratoriya znany»; 2007. 951 р.
5. Brent B. Clin. Plast. Surg. 1978;5:437.

Keywords: дифференцированный подход, частичный дефект ушной раковины

Stavropol State Medical Academy
Pyatigorsk State Research Institute of Balneotherapeutics
Pyatigorsk State Pharmaceutical Academy