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[Experimental medicine]
Anna Khodzhayan; Karine Elbekyan; Margarita Gevandova; Evgeny Shchetinin;
A set of heavy metal salts cause immunosup- pression in rats while the pineal hormone melatonin can mitigate the resulting alterations due to its anti- oxidant and chelating activity.
1. Arushanyan E. B., Beyer E. V. Immunotropic properties in pineal gland melatonin Exper. and Clin. Pharmacol. 2002;5:73-80.
2. Lebedev K. A., Ponyakin I. D. Immunogram in Clinical Practice. M.: Nauka, 1990.
3. Mudry I. V. Heavy Metals in the Soil-Plant-Humans System. Hygiene and Sanitation. 1997;1:14-16.
4. Khaitov R. M., Pinegin B. V., Istamov H. I. Ecological Immunology. M.: 1995.
5. Caroleo M. C., Doria G., Nistico G. Melatonin restores immunodepression in aged and cyclophophamide-treated mice. NY Academ. Sci. 1994;31:343-352.
6. Karbownik M., Reiter R. J., Garcia J. J., Tan D. Melatonin reduces phenylhydrazine-induced oxidative damage to cellular membranes: evidence for the involvement of iron. Int. J. Biochem. Cell Biol., 2000;32:1045-1054.
7. Limson J., Nyokong T., Daya S. The interaction of melatonin and its precursors with aluminium, cadmium, copper, iron, lead, and zinc: an adsorptive voltammetric study J. Pineal Res. 1998;24:15-21.
8. Maestroni G. J., Conti A., Pierpaoli W. Role of the pineal gland in immunity Pineal Res. Rev. 1989;7:203-226.
9. Oberbarnscheidt J., Stiller-Winkie R. R., Gleichmann E. Heavy Metalls. Int. Conference. Edinburg. 1986;2:134- 136.
10. Parmar P., Daya S. The effect of copper on (3H)-trypto- phan metabolism in organ cultures of rat pineal glands. MeTable Brain Dis. 2001;16:199-205.
11. Schmidt P., Beck Е. Zentraeblatt fur Hygiene und Umweltmedizin. 1993;193:395-418.
12. Susa N., Uero S., Furukawa Y. et al. Potent protective effect of melatonin on chromium(VI)-induced DNA single-strand breaks, cytotoxicity, and lipid peroxidation in primary cultures of rat hepatocytes. Toxicol. Appl. Pharmacol. 1997;2:377-384.
13. van Rensburg S. J., Daniels W. M., Potocnik F. C. et al. A new model for the pathophysiology of Alzheimer’s disease. Aluminium toxicity is exacerbated by hydrogen peroxide and attenuated by an amyloid protein fragment and melatonin. S. Afr. Med. J. 1997;87:1111- 1115.
Keywords: heavy metals, immune system, melatonin