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[Experimental medicine]
Wolf-Dieter Grimm; Mathias Plöger; Ingmar Schau; Alexander Vukovic; Evgeny Shchetinin; Albert Akkalaev; Armenak Arutyunov; Sergey Sirak;
For three-dimensional reconstruction of de- fects of the alveolar ridge to conduct Summary. In the article the analysis of existing technologies for new sources of stem cells mouth for maxillofacial surgery and dental implantology. The authors pro- vide the results of their research on laboratory ani- mals have shown that the most simple and reliable source of stem cell resources for the regeneration of the bone of the alveolar process of the jaws can serve subepithelial the soft palate. The ability of stem cells from this area to the differentiation can be used when planning and implementing interven- tions in the maxillofacial region to ensure stability of the contour effect and dental implants
1. Esposito M., Grusovin M. G., Felice P., Karatzopoulos G., Worthington H. V., Coulthard P. Interventions for replacing missing teeth: horizontal and vertical bone augmentation techniques for dental implant treatment. Published Online: 7 OCT 2009. DOI: 10.1002/14651858. CD003607.pub4, Copyright© 2010 The Cochrane Collaboration. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
2. Khoury F. Augmentative Verfahren in der Implantologie. Quintessenz Berlin, Chicago, Tokio, Barcelona, Istanbul, London, Mailand, Moskau, Neu-Delhi, Paris, Peking, Prag, São Paulo und Warschau, 2009.
3. Plöger M., Schau I. Allogene Knochenblöcke in der zahnärztlichen Implantologie. Spitta Verlag, Balingen 2010.
4. Tucker A., Sharpe P. The cutting-edge of mammalian development; how the embryo makes teeth. Nat Rev Genet. 2004;5:499-508.
5. Grimm W.-D., Dannan A., Becher S., Gassmann G., Arnold W., Varga G., Dittmar Th. The Ability of Human Periodontium-derived Stem Cells to Regenerate Periodontal Tissues-A Preliminary in Vivo Investigation. Int. J. Periodontics Restorative Dent. 2011;31(6):94-101.
6. Widera D., Zander C., Heidbreder M., Kasperek Y., Noll T., Seitz O., Saldamli B., Sudhoff H., Sader R., Kaltschmidt C., Kaltschmidt B. Adult Palatum as a Novel Source of Neural Crest-Related Stem Cells. Stem Cells. 2009;27(8):1899-1910. doi: 10.1002/stem.104/ PM- CID: PMC2798069
7. Grimm W.-D., Dittmar Th., Varga G., Giesenhagen B. Use of stemcell induced allogenic bonerings for preimplantological vertical augmentations of alveolar bone defects in humans a clinical controlled study. Proceedings, BIT’s 6th Annual World Congress of Regenerative Medicine & Stem Cells-2013. 2013, Dalian, China.
8. Widera D., Grimm W. D., Moebius J., Piechaczek C., Gaßmann G., Wolff N., Thévenod F., Kaltschmidt C., Kaltschmidt B. Highly Efficient neural differentiation of human somatic stem cells, isolated via minimallyinvasive periodontal surgery. Stem Cells Dev. 2007;16(3):447- 460.
9. Varga G., Gerber G. Mesenchymal stem cells of dental origin as promising tools for neuroregeneration. Stem Cell Research & Therapy, 2014. content/5/2/61
10. Király M., Porcsalmy B., Pataki A., Kádár K., Jelitai M., Molnár B., Hermann P., Gera I., Grimm W. D., Ganss B., Zsembery A., Varga G. Simultaneous PKC and cAMP activation induces differentiation of human dental pulp stem cells into functionally active neurons. Neurochem. Int. 2009;55:323-332.
11. Caneva M., Botticelli D., Viganò P., Morelli F., Rea M., Lang N. P. Connective tissue grafts in conjunction with implants installed immediately into extraction sockets. An experimental study in dogs. Clin Oral Im- plants Res. 2013;24(1):50-5 6. doi: 10.1111/j.1600- 0501.2012.02450.x
Keywords: stem cells, implantology, differen-tiation