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[Original research] [Internal diseases]
Maria Evsevyeva; Elena Mistchenko; Maria Rostovtseva; Oksana Sergeeva; Ilona Galkova; Т Smirnova;
The study was performed to investigate the characteristics of circadian profile of blood pressure (BP) in young men, which demonstrate the office signs of high normal pressure (HNAD) and arterial hypertension (AH) for the setting of effective system of medical examination of the young population. Total number of recruits and students surveyed 147 younkers: with optimal and normal blood pressure – 81, high normal blood pressure – 30 and AH – 36. Ambulatory BP monitoring (ABPM) performed in the «typical working day» of 24±1,5 hours with intervals between the measurements of 15–30 minutes during the day and night respectively. Analyzed more than 30 indicators. Results: Young people with signs HNAD characterized by a number of significant negative differences in terms of ABPM compared with peers-carrier of normal and optimal blood pressure. However, the sechanges are similar to those inpatients with evidence of hypertension, but their expression is less important. Examples of such changes are the mean values of systolic and diastolic blood pressure, variability indexes BP, value and speed of its morning rise . Young men with HNAD are also characterized by the presence of family history of the development of early cardiovascular (CV) disease and the presence of cardio-cerebral complaints, frequency, similar to AH. Conclusion. The young people with HNAD must be timely included in the dispensary group of CV risks likely those ones with definite AG. It is necessary to perform among them effective prevention programmes in good time.
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Keywords: high-normal blood pressure, hypertension, boys, daily blood pressure profile