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ISSN 2073-8137

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Biocompatibility of cell cultures with new titanium alloy samples used for dental implantology

Nikolay Didenko; Dmitry Bobryshev; Alexander Dolgalev; Sofya Romanovna Adeshelidze; David Zurabovich Choniashvili; Himalay Kazbekovich Gezuev; Rustam Millatullakhovich Omarov; Bela Khamzetovna Tlyabicheva;

The study contains the outcomes of evaluating the proliferative activity of primary cultures of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) of mouse adipose tissue in case of using BT 1.0 and BT 6 titanium alloy experimental samples either with no coating or with different degrees, types of treatment and coatings. The MSCs cultured on samples of BT 6 titanium alloy treated with an electron beam coated with ALD and TiO2 (thickness – 25 nm) and with an ion plasma coating of TiO2 (thickness – 2 microns) featured a significantly higher level of proliferative activity. Thus, the data obtained in the work showed further prospects for studying their osseointegrative properties under experimental conditions employing in vivo models.


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2. Inchingolo A. M., Malcangi G., Ferrante L., Del Vecchio G., Viapiano F. [et al.]. Surface Coatings of Dental Implants: A Review. J. Funct. Biomater. 2023;14(5):287. https://doi.org/10.3390/jfb14050287
3. Rausch M. A., Shokoohi-Tabrizi H., Wehner C., Pippenger B. E., Wagner R. S. [et al.]. Impact of Implant Surface Material and Microscale Roughness on the Initial Attachment and Proliferation of Primary Human Gingival Fibroblasts. Biology. 2021;10:356. https://doi.org/10.3390/biology10050356
4. Sarraf M., Rezvani Ghomi E., Alipour S., Ramakrishna S., Liana Sukiman N. A state-of-the-art review of the fabrication and characteristics of titanium and its alloys for bio medical applications. Biodes. Manuf. 2022;5(2):371-395. https://doi.org/10.1007/s42242-021-00170-3
5. Zaika A. I., Savchik A. B., Birka I. I., Voroniak M. I., Siry O. M. Effect titanium on the osteogenic and proliferative potentials cells in vitro. Stomatologiia. – Dentistry. 1989;68(3):42-44. (In Russ.).

Keywords: dental implantation, mesenchymal stem cells, osseointegration, titanium, implant coating

Stavropol State Medical Academy
Pyatigorsk State Research Institute of Balneotherapeutics
Pyatigorsk State Pharmaceutical Academy