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[Experimental medicine]
Konstantin Popov; Ilya Bykov; Igor Tsymbalyuk; Mikhail Bykov;
The article assesses the effectiveness of correction of ischemic reperfusion damage to the liver of rats in an experiment. The study was conducted in 2 groups: the 1st group (n=15) of rats, which were intraperitoneally injected with 2 ml of physiological solution one day before the modeling of the pathological process and immediately before it; 2nd group (n=15) of rats were administered 2 ml of Remaxol and ascorbic acid 20 mg/ml with lipoic acid 3 mg/ml according to a similar scheme. Partial ischemia was simulated for 40 minutes, followed by a 3-hour reperfusion period. Lower markers of cytolic syndrome in rat blood plasma, higher antioxidant activity of blood plasma, and adequate prooxidant-antioxidant balance in liver tissues accompanied antioxidant correction. In rats of the 1st group, the decrease in the level of glutathione in the postischemic tissue relative to the intact tissue was 44 %, and in rats of the 2nd group, it was 18 %. In the 2nd group, the intact parenchyma of the liver showed a lower concentration of glutathione but higher in the damaged lobes than in the 1st group rats. The study’s results show the critical role of intact parenchyma of the liver without vascular exception in compensating for reperfusion changes in post-ischemic tissue. There are also opportunities to improve approaches to the correction of liver damage through combined antioxidant drugs or regimes of administration
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7. Pritulina Y. G., Prokopenko S. E., Kordenko A. A., Atiakshin D. A., Lobanov V. L. Evaluation of the effect of Remaxol on hepatocytes in non-alcoholic fatty liver dystrophy modeling in laboratory C57BL/6 mice. Arhiv Patologii. – Arkh Patol. 2019;81(5):64-69.
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9. Popov К. А., Bykov I. М., Tsymbalyuk I. Yu., Bykov М. I., Sidorenko A. N. [et al.] Changes in state of the thiol linkages of an antioxidant system during ischemia and reperfusion, against a background of vascular exclusion in the rat liver. Med. News North Cauc. 2018;13(3):525-529.
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11. Yasojima E. Y., Domingues R. J. S., Silva R. C., Sousa L. F. F., Trindade Júnior S. C. Comparison of remote and local postconditioning against hepatic ischemic-reperfusion injury in rats. Acta Cir. Bras. 2021;36(1):e360101.
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Keywords: ischemia, reperfusion, ischemia-reperfusion syndrome, antioxidants, oxidative stress, energotropic agents